Thursday, January 27, 2022

The New American interviews Dr. Reiner Fullmich on COVID

By R.C.
Thu, Jan 27, 2022 11:10 p.m.

Subject: The New American interviews Dr. Reiner Fullmich on COVID

1 comment:

  1. I'd rather interview Dr.Carl Reiner-Fullmich and his twin brother,Dr.Mel Brooks-Fullmich.

    GRA:Good afternoon doctors,you claim to be twins?

    "Yes,but we don't look alike anymore,"said Reiner-Fullmich.

    "But then we never did,"added Brooks-Fullmich.

    "That's true,but our first wife,Helen Keller,said we were identical in every way,"said Reiner-Fullmich.

    "She must have been blind as a bat,"Brooks-Fullmich responded,"I was much more Jewish."

    GRA:You were both married to Helen Keller--at the same time?That's remarkable,I've never read that in any books about her.

    "Books? Were they kiss and tell books?Who did she think moved the furniture all the time in the living room?"Brooks-Fullmich quickly inquired.

    GRA:I don't...

    "HE DID"--they both shouted simultaneously,pointing at each other gleefully.

    GRA:Now Dr.Reiner-Fullmich,you are a renowned Covid specialist and I hear you have some strong opinions about the vaccine and the virus itself.

    "Wait a minute,I'm Dr.Carl Reiner-Fullmich--not the Covid expert doctor--there's been a mistake--hell,I'm not really a doctor--or even alive."

    GRA:Are you alive,Dr.Brooks-Fullmich?

    "Take my pulse--then we'll both know,"he laughed.

    "No," said Reiner-Fullmich leaning back,"this is just two old friends doing one last comedy sketch."

    GRA:Well let me know when it's going to start--OKAY?

    "OKAY!Say goodnight GRA," they both answered--again in unison

    GRA:Goodnight GRA.

