Thursday, January 27, 2022

Public School District Disappears an American President

By N.S.

"New Jersey School District Renames Woodrow Wilson High School, Citing ‘Racist Values’"


  1. This will not stop until all Caucasian history is wiped away. Taking down Confederate monuments was testing the waters. There was no pushback there so now it's all in, complete eradication of white history. is a Communist cultural revolution in America.

    This is a multi pronged attack on American values, culture and history. On reality itself. The other prong is the implementation of ideas that one can change genders just by saying so.Thus, history is whatever you say it is and gender reality is whatever you want it to be. To say otherwise is racist and intolerant.

    Here's an irony: once Apartheid South Africa gave way to majority rule, the same movement to disappear Apartheid monuments and statues took hold.

    The ANC government's response? They stay up; how can we know how we got here if we don't know where we came from.

  2. Lyndon Johnson used a bad word even in office. Referred to American negroes with a bad word. I cannot say what the bad word was because then I would be guilty of using the bad word too. You will just to figure out for yourselves what the bad word is.

  3. It's the same shi*ty looking building though. The concept is similar to the term "black",isn't it? You can call them african-americans,blacks,negroes--but whatever way you want to officially label them--they're still nig*ers.

    Same with the school.

