Thursday, January 27, 2022

Maybe the GOP Really is the Stupid Party… or Maybe Not

By N.S.

Calling Democrats “out of touch” has become a knee-jerk talking point for GOPers and “conservatives.”

“Criminal Justice Know-Nothings”
“Too often, proposals for reform come from people with little practical experience in the field—especially elite law school professors.
By Thomas Hogan
January 19, 2022
City Journal

“These academic authors miss such commonsense factors because they do not encounter the real world of crime and criminals in their work.”

(The author is giving a fancy-sounding version of the Republican criticism of Democrats, “They’re out of touch.”)

As CJ reader Jay noted, many right-of-center people put great stock in Ben Shapiro’s judgments of court cases, even though he has never tried a case in court.

This entire article is the tainted fruit of fallacious reasoning. The author implies that nobody may accurately judge activities with which he is not intimately familiar. I have heard such assertions from cops and retired military.

Such a requirement would put reason in a strait-jacket. Not only would thoughtful criticism by outsiders thereby be verboten, but due to the provincialism of caste-thinking and the authority of gatekeepers, there would be little or no thoughtful criticism of any institution.

Note, too, that there are many experienced prosecutors who do support loosing cut-throats (at least, cut-throats “of color”) onto the streets, where they can violate as many new victims as possible. As a crime victim, I first encountered such prosecutors in the Manhattan DA’s Office in 1993. Bernhard Goetz had such experiences eight years earlier in the same office.

The problem isn’t “experience”; it’s evil. Like the practicing attorneys I cited, the law professors in question are evil. They want as many murderers and rapists out on the street as possible, because they wish to help cut-throats cut as many throats as possible.

In the movie The Dark Knight—wisdom is where you find it—screenwriters Christopher and Jonathan Nolan have a character explain the Joker with, “Some men just want to watch the world burn.”


  1. In the late Vincent Bugliosi's book (I think you reviewed it at Amazon) on the O.J. Simpson trial he observed many of the TV talking head commentators were law school professors who had never tried a case in court.

    True, but the tactic of most of the Simpson trial talking heads was to criticize the prosecution and praise the defense attorneys. They fawned over Johnnie Cochran in particular.

    Jeffrey "I had never heard of the Zebra Murders" Toobin wrote in his book on the trial that he and his colleagues were terrified of being called racists. So they criticized the prosecutors and never said the evidence against Simpson "was simply overwhelming."

    This has stayed in my mind ever since.
