Monday, January 31, 2022

Howard Hesseman of WKRP in Cincinnati Has Died at Age 81

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 10:18:00 P.M. EST

I loved WKRP, it ranks with Taxi as my two favorite sitcoms of all time. While it promoted what would have been defined as pc ideology in those days, it was still smartly written and hilarious. The two funniest scenes in sitcom history (IMHO) are when Reverend Jim took the driving test on Taxi and when Mr. Carlson and Herb Tarlek dropped turkeys from a plane as an advertising stunt. “As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.” Possibly the funniest line ever.

Hesseman died of complications of colon surgery. I wonder if they’ll try to blame it on Covid.


  1. Now,you'd have 5 blacks and one White in the cast of a 2022 version of WKRP."Crap" it would be.


  2. jerry pdx
    They did revive WKRP with a more "diverse" cast and it was correspondingly less funny.
