Sunday, January 02, 2022

Houston: 3 Passengers Die after being Ejected from Van during 2-Vehicle Crash on Barker Cypress

By A Texas Reader
Sat, Jan 1, 2022 10:26 a.m.

HCSO: 3 Passengers Die after being Ejected from Van during 2-Vehicle Crash on Barker Cypress

Vehicles driven by latinos are equipped with ejection seats, not seat belts.


  1. Exactly...the big 3 automakers install that at no charge--but it only engages if the car is going over 99 mph.Otherwise,it's just the "irresistible force meeting the immovable object" law kicking in.


  2. jerry pdx
    Law enforcement agencies move to hide non White criminals by not releasing mug shots:

    There are two rationalizations for this, the first is the idea that a mugshot does not mean you are guilty, just that you were arrested and the internet means those photos will live forever and can cause problems for people who turn out to be innocent. I do think there's a legit argument to be made on that point but I don't believe for a moment that's why this is happening. The primary reason is to hide negro criminality, this excerpt from the article reveals it:

    “Widespread publication of police booking photos in the news and on social media creates an illusory correlation for viewers that fosters racial bias and vastly overstates the propensity of Black and brown men to engage in criminal behavior,” Chief Bill Scott said at the time".

    "Overstates" the propensity of black and brown men to engage in criminal behavior???? Some variation of the "we shouldn't stereotype" argument is routinely cited by law enforcement and media and it's just as dishonest every time. If, as they are suggesting, black/brown men are being "stereotyped" as criminals, and it's not true they commit a disproportionate amount of crime, then releasing photos of perps would only prove what they are saying is true, because most mugshots would be of White men (in the US). So they want us to believe that hiding visual evidence that verifies what they say is true makes some kind of sense? Seriously? Do they really think we are that stupid? Apparently so.

    Reality is, as NSU readers and other free thinkers know, most mugshots would be of non White men because non White men do commit a disproportionate amount of crime, it's not a stereotype, it's fact. Black men are especially over represented for murder and sex crimes, hispanic men also but they are also wildly over represented in sex crimes against children and vehicular homicides. Our modern law enforcement agencies are moving to hide these criminals faces so we don't know who they are.

    Yet again, Woke ideology trumps public safety and our right to know.

    They won't stop until they have us completely wrapped in their ideological thought bubble.

  3. jerry pdx
    I posted something similar a week or so ago and I don't mean to beat a dead horse but I spotted this Dec. 27th news release from the CDC and felt it was worth posting:

    Excerpt from the article:

    "The agency attributed the change to growing evidence that the virus is most infectious in the two or three days after symptoms arise".

    Most infectious "after" symptoms arise? But if you're vaccinated, you likely won't exhibit any symptoms. If you're non vaxxed, you'll unquestionably get symptoms and know you need to quarantine. It's probably all the sneezing and coughing from symptoms that make you more infectious but if you're taking proper precautions, you'll have almost zero chance of infecting anybody anyways. And remember that the CDC has also announced that their data indicates that when the vaxxed are infected, they carry a similar viral load as non vaxxed, so as they go about their daily activities touching and and breathing on things, believing they are safe, they are actually spreading the bug. That makes them less safe than the non vaxxed.

    Nice to get even more official affirmation from the CDC that being vaxxed is a personal health choice and that you're actually safer to people around you if you don't get the jab.
