Friday, January 28, 2022

Helen Keller’s Secret Sex Life: Carl Reiner Gives a Return Performance, with His Old (Still Living) Comedy Partner, Mel Brooks, on The Afterlife Tonight Show, with Living Guest Host, Grand Rapids Anonymous

[Re: The New American interviews Dr. Reiner Fullmich on COVID.”]

Grand Rapids Anonymous: I’d rather interview Dr. Carl Reiner-Fullmich and his twin brother, Dr. Mel Brooks-Fullmich.
Friday, January 28, 2022 at 3:11:00 A.M. EST

GRA: Good afternoon, doctors; you claim to be twins?

“Yes, but we don’t look alike anymore,” said Reiner-Fullmich.

“But then we never did,” added Brooks-Fullmich.

“That’s true, but our first wife, Helen Keller, said we were identical in every way,” said Reiner-Fullmich.

“She must have been blind as a bat,” Brooks-Fullmich responded, “I was much more Jewish.”

GRA: You were both married to Helen Keller—at the same time? That’s remarkable, I’ve never read that in any books about her.

“Books? Were they kiss-and-tell books? Who did she think moved the furniture all the time in the living room?” Brooks-Fullmich quickly inquired.

GRA: I don’t...

“HE DID!”—they both shouted simultaneously, pointing at each other gleefully.

GRA: Now Dr. Reiner-Fullmich, you are a renowned Covid specialist, and I hear you have some strong opinions about the vaccine and the virus itself.

“Wait a minute, I’m Dr. Carl Reiner-Fullmich—not the Covid expert doctor—there’s been a mistake—hell, I’m not really a doctor—or even alive.”

GRA: Are you alive, Dr.Brooks-Fullmich?

“Take my pulse—then we’ll both know,” he laughed.

“No,” said Reiner-Fullmich leaning back, “this is just two old friends doing one last comedy sketch.”

GRA: Well, let me know when it’s going to start—OKAY?

“OKAY! Say goodnight, GRA,” they both answered—again in unison.

GRA: Goodnight, GRA.


N.S.: That’s amazing stuff, even down to the wistful ending. Thanks so much, GRA.


  1. You're welcome.The "Afterlife Tonight Show"--with a living guest host--was a great concept for this particular "program",lol.

    Mel sent a text,post-interview:"Although we asserted this was our last comedy sketch,Brooks/Reiner is in fact, available for bar mitzvahs 51 weeks out of the year--which can be videotaped and posted.Not to perform--just to eat--though you'd need a restraining order to keep us from telling jokes while we're eating gefilte and salmon.

  2. jerry pdx
    Carmelo Anthony of the Lakers gets 2 fans ejected because one of them called him "boy":
    Guess what? One of the fans is black! Though it's not clear if he is the one who referred to Carmelo as something less than a "man". My guess is that he is the one who did it but Carmelo is playing the poor butthurt race victim. What a friggin' hypocrite, he and his bros call each other the n word all the time along with boy and other race epithets but suddenly it's an issue. He's just posing and posturing as a phony victim here, he knows it's going to be on the news and people will not notice that a black man was involved in the name calling incident.

  3. jerry pdx
    Journalists in Sweden are attacked when they enter a "no go" zone, you know, one of those places politicians like to claim don't exist:
    There were a number of good comments but this the one I liked best:

    smg45acp • 2 hours ago
    Everyone keeps asking "Why?" these countries allow this to happen.

    Please allow me to explain.
    Socialist governments have to have a huge tax base of young people working in order to supply the huge government retirement and healthcare benefits that everyone was promised.
    The problem is that native Europeans have such a low birthrate that there isn't the number of young people working and paying taxes to keep their little socialist Utopias from collapsing.

    So as a as last ditch effort to stop their welfare state house of cards from collapsing,
    they have allowed all of these new immigrants in to their countries.
    They naively thought they could turn barbarians into good tax paying workers and thus keep their failing state afloat at least long enough for them to live out their lives with government pensions.
    The gamble has not been paying off as you can see.

  4. Jerry,here's a podcast from late 2021,of Mike "Wally" Walter(Don Rickles impersonator from Washington)talking about a few things--mostly his lousy health.He's in worse shape than Rickles was,until right at the end,but some amusing,interesting stories--if you like hearing about blood and diabetes etc.I do.

    --G R A

  5. >The gamble has not been paying off as you can see.

    It was always 'magic dirt' idiocy -- a recent Danish study showed just what an unproductive deadweight the average non-western migrant in Denmark is -- here is a graphic about it:


    The same is no doubt true throughout Europe.

    Most Germans in the labor force today must work until 67 before payments from the public pension system start -- the pension payout to contribution ratio for Germans is solidly in the lower third of EU nations, meaning they pay a lot of pension tax but get very little back for it when they retire -- it is virtually certain that in the next few years the pension age will have to be raised to 70; this was predicted at the time of the refugee/migrant influx in 2015.

  6. jerry pdx
    Thanks for the link GRA, good stuff, I listened to the whole thing. Horrible, depressing subject but they made it entertaining and funny.

  7. jerry pdx
    Thanks for the link eahlf, informative stuff. They're going to raise SS age here in the US at some point, probably soon. People always say you should wait until full retirement age but I'm not so sure. Get yourself grandfathered in with SS as soon as possible, because when they raise the age and lower benefits you may well have been much better off getting what you can when you can. It's your money, you've been paying into it your entire life. If SS had been managed responsibly, we wouldn't need migrants to support the system, assuming we really need them in the first place (which we really don't).
