Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Death of the Final China Virus Lie

N.S.: I wish Mr. Mossman were correct, that the China Virus hoaxers have exhausted their supply of lies, but I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way. Unless and until you stop them permanently, or they become incapacitated, liars never run out of lies. They will even re-run old lies, as Duranty-Blair laureates William Cohan and his supporters (e.g., his old Vanity Fair editor, Graydon Carter) did with the Duke Rape Hoax.

By Jesse Mossman
Mon, Jan 24, 2022 7:46 p.m.

Death of the Final Lie

Remember when we were told the fake “vaccine” would prevent infection? Just a lie. But then we were told that actually you could get infected, but the vax would prevent transmission. Turned out also to be a lie, and even the pro-vax CDC head admitted that the vax “couldn’t prevent transmission.” Not “may not” prevent transmission but “couldn’t.”

No, we are seeing the final lie—journalists and gullible vaxxers proclaiming that if vaxxed you wouldn’t get severe Covid, wouldn’t be hospitalized, and wouldn’t die. Of course, the fact that the Omicron variety is milder than previous strains gave cover to those claiming that they weren’t as sick because they were vaxxed.

But we are seeing more and more data indicating that this too is a lie. For example, an article on The Expose says that we are seeing antibody dependent enhancement [ADE, also called pathogenic priming]:


“In other words, ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a ‘Trojan horse,’ allowing the pathogen to get into cells and exacerbate the immune response.

“The result is often more severe illness than if the person had been unvaccinated, and this is precisely what we are now seeing around the world.”

After reviewing the evidence and the negative effectivity of the vax, the article concludes with:

“We can clearly see from world-wide data that the real-world effectiveness of the Covid-19 injections wains significantly in a short amount of time, but unfortunately for the vaccinated population, rather than the immune system returning to the same state it was prior to vaccination, the immune system performance begins to rapidly decline making it inferior to that of the unvaccinated. This is materializing into –

• record-breaking cases, hospitalisations, and deaths in Australia; with the vast majority occurring among the fully vaccinated;
• age-standardised hospitalisation rates and mortality rates being highest among the fully vaccinated in Scotland; and
• 7 in every 10 Covid-19 hospitalisations, and 8 in every 10 Covid-19 deaths in England occurring among the triple/double vaccinated.

Booster shots of the injections are not the answer to this problem though, the evidence shows that whilst they supply a minor boost to the immune system, it is very short lived and then begins to decline at an even sharper pace than prior to the booster.”


  1. If I were on a jury,watching the media--of all types--report on the so called facts about Covid and the vaxx,I would not be able to make an educated conclusion about any of it.

    Certain media quarters say,"the only people in hospitals are VAXXED."

    Others say,"the only ones in hospitals are UNVAXXED."

    "The vaxx is completely safe,"pushes most MSM.

    "Hundreds of thousands are dying--and millions more will die of vaxx side-effects in the future--because their immune systems are destroyed by it"--say others.

    "There's a pandemic"--but I haven't been sick in two years--and every cold or flu that used to come around,I invariably caught.Not this one.Actually,only 20% of Michiganders caught Covid.

    I've heard from friends about people they know,getting the jab and dropping dead,here in Grand Rapids.

    MSM--NOT ONCE--has reported on anything to do with that scenario.That's national OR local.

    "The mask is effective."
    "The mask is NOT effective."

    Flip a coin,based on the conflicting testimony,though I tend to think it helps some,but not everyone--and I don't know why.My theory is certain bloodtypes or certain DNA structures are more susceptible to the virus..

    The biggest clusterfu*k of all time,in my opinion,is that we can't get any straight answers.Trust the science?Which one?


  2. Follow the money. Big Pharma has made billions from the vax. And Fauci and Big Pharma control the medical establishment. Doctors who dare contradict them can lose their licenses. Media depends on drug ad revenue--so do universities who want grants. Read Kennedy's book, The Real Anthony Fauci and you will see the web of evil that makes few brave enough to dissent. Seeing how much money the FDA, CDC, etc. get from drug companies, I would not believe a thing they say--they have been caught in lie after lie. And look at data from foreign countries where the truth is not suppressed as much as here. Finally listen to accounts of nurses who have seen what goes on in hospitals.

  3. The medical professionals will always an OUT.

    We said what we did at the time given the best information we had at the time.

    Always will say that.
