Thursday, December 30, 2021

nation of islam Mayor-Elect Eric Adams Continues with Racial Purge of nypd; Second Generation affirmative action hire Will be #2

Edward Caban: His father, Juan, was the head of the hispanic racial spoils group, the hispanic society

By N.S.

“nypd Commissioner [sic] Keechant Sewell has picked a 30-year NYPD veteran to be the No. 2 person in the department, sources told the post.

“Edward Caban will be named the new first deputy commissioner for the largest police force in the nation and will be the highest-ranking Hispanic member of the department, sources said.”

Whatever happened to the Chief of Department being the nypd’s #2?

Oh, and “nypd Commissioner Keechant Sewell” is factually incorrect, Larry Celona and Mark Lungariello. Sewell doesn’t become nypd commissioner until after the noi’s Eric Adams gets sworn in on New Year’s Day. At present, the nypd commissioner is, for better or worse, Dermot Shea.

noi mayor-elect Eric Adams introduced nycpd commissioner-in-waiting Keechant Sewell “with a mural of Malcolm X, Nat Turner, Angela Davis, and cop-killer [Joanne Chesimard] Assata Shakur in the background.”

Keechant Sewell was named pc-in-waiting by noi mayor Eric Adams, not in spite of, but because she is laughably unqualified for the job. She will go from supervising 331 cops as nassau county pd chief of detectives, to being in charge of over 35,000 nycpd cops. Until recently, big-city pols would at least go through the motions, regarding qualifications in the age of diversity, hiring someone who had run the police department of a smaller city. Then again, Keechant Sewell wasn’t hired to be a crimebuster. Just the opposite; she will be an advocate for colored criminals. And like Mona Nelson, Sewell may well be a triple affirmative action client: black, female and, the post has insinuated, a lesbian. The daily underscored that she has no children, boyfriend, or present or past husband.

“nypd commissioner Names 30-Year Veteran and Bronx Native to Deputy Post

The real nycpd commissioner?


  1. Looks like a party and Whitey ain't invited!


  2. "a mural of Malcolm X, Nat Turner, Angela Davis, and cop-killer [Joanne Chesimard] Assata Shakur in the background.”

    "any nation [USA] that honors a man like Malcolm Little [X] with a stamp is in big trouble." - - Schuyler.

    Indeed it is.
