Friday, December 31, 2021

Did They Jinx Her? Game Show Icon, Comedy Actress, Betty White Dies at 99, but She Won HER Game of Craps

[“Is the Universe a Crap Shoot?”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Friday, December 31, 2021 at 8:05:00 P.M. EST

GRA: The last two weeks, all I saw on the covers of the ragmags at the supermarket were these: “Happy 100th Birthday, Betty!” “Betty White’s Centennial Celebration.”

They jinxed her.

Obviously, though, Betty White won HER game of craps.

A fast talking, game show hall of famer, Ms.White also made time for The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Golden Girls, and Hot in Cleveland—along with innumerable guest shots on everything from The Carol Burnett Show to The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson.

All these years, I thought the only person she was married to was Allen Ludden (Password), but no—he was her third marriage—and last. He died in the mid 1980s.

Another White-y bites the dust.


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