Friday, December 24, 2021

Dad on NORAD Christmas Call Trolls Clueless Biden into Saying, “Let’s Go Brandon! I Agree” (VIDEO)

By R.C.
Fri, Dec 24, 2021 5:07 p.m.

EPIC! Dad on NORAD Christmas Call Trolls Clueless Biden into Saying, “Let’s Go Brandon! I Agree” (VIDEO)


  1. "Let's go Brandon."You'll notice Jill didn't agree with that statement.More like,"No Way Brandon","with her.


    “I'll Be Vaxxed for Christmas” - A merry, joyful reminder that only the vaxxed are allowed to enjoy Christmas.

    "It Came Upon A Mandate Clear" - Sing this beautiful carol and remember your first mandate. Precious memories...

    "Baby, There's COVID Outside" - That's a billion times worse than it being cold outside!

    "Silent Media" - The Wuhan Virology Lab released a virus upon the world... and the media fell reverently silent.

    "Do You Fear What I Fear" - If it's not COVID, you're killing Grandma.

    "What Variant is This?" - Yeah, we lost track too.

    "Have Yourself A Lonely Little Christmas" - OR ELSE.

    "God Rest Ye Boosted Gentlemen" - The only gentlemen who have a right to rest are the ones who are boosted.

    "mRNA In a Manager" - Remember the birth of the savior: mRNA.

    "Fauci Baby" - As sung by Brian Stelter.

    "Carol of The Bell's Palsy" - Completely unrelated to the vaccine, Pfizer assures us.

    "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Wuhan" - Unsurprisingly, this carol is illegal in Wuhan.

    “Santa Claus Is Staying at Home” - “He sees you defying lockdowns, he knows when you’re not vaxxed, he is not coming anyway, so stay home and wear a mask!”

    "All I Want For Christmas Is Ivermectin" - A conservative favorite.

    "Jab to the World" - Who needs "joy" when you got that jab?

    "Fauci the Vaxman" - Why hasn't he melted away yet?


    “Have an Omi-Cron-y Christmas” - The hit single of 2021 is raging through the world after its South Africa debut!

    "Good King Brandon" - Let's go Brandon!

    "Grandma Got COVID By A Cuomo" - An unsettlingly peppy song.

    "Variant Both Meek And Mild" - As pretty much all the variants were...

    “Christmas (Baby Please Stay Home)” - We highly recommend the version recorded by The National Karens Choir.

    “Mary Did You Know (About the Vaccine Mandate)” - Sometimes a Christian holiday mansplainer is needed to spread the joy of mandates.

    “Masked Christmas” - This Christmas pop song will have you singing along in your own muffled, sad way.

    “Sanitize The Halls” - “Fa-la-la-la-la-la wash your hands!”

    “O Come, O Come, Dr. Fauci” - This old classic choral number sings reverence to our Lord and Savior and director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

    Jingle Bells, Biden Smells: Fauci laid an egg!

    GRA:Most are very funny.I would add "Soylent Night"
    Soylent night
    Such a delight
    Edward G
    Had it right

    Take yourself to a government "spa"
    They'll make food of you,
    It's the right thing to do-ooo,
    You will taste good--as beef stew.

    And of course my previous "Genocide is Coming to Town","I Saw Fauci Vaxxing Santa Claus"
    and #1 this week on the charts,"Commie Wonderland"

