Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Back the blue! Now, the nypd Has Taken Off the Gloves! Check It Out!

[Previously: The worst NYC crimes committed in 2021 are thanks to shaky bail reform law

Protestors in NYC are arrested for entering Burger King without showing proof of vaccination

“These cops could just as easily not do this.”

By Anonymous
Tuesday, December 28, 2021 at 11:13:00 A.M. EST

HO-HUM! Just another day in the big city. The new mayor has a plan to stick it to the perpetrators of “gun crime.” He promised. Just like police chief old Brownie in Chicago had a secret plan to also reduce the murder rate in Chicago. Wait, if you will, but have a long wait.

By Eahilf Tuesday, December 28, 2021 at 11:59:00 A.M. EST link

At the link above is another video of uniformed officers apparently throwing unvaccinated people, including kids, out of a fast food restaurant in NYC – a bystander (?) calls them “nypd,” and it does appear to say “nypd” on the back of their jackets, but I don’t know for sure if they are regular cops or not – there must be a half dozen of them there.

But remember: “Back the blue”

By Grand Rapids Anonymous Tuesday, December 28, 2021 at 4:59:00 P.M. EST So the cops will use that on black “protesters” the next time blacks decide to break into Walmart for some freebies? Or is this just going to be used on Whites?

Cop (to black mob): “Uhh, we don’t mind you breaking in, as long as your vaxx papers are up to date.”

black: “Got ‘em right here pig.”

Cop: “Okay, good to go—you may resume your looting.”



  1. jerry pdx
    Maybe we could point those cops to the border where unvaxxed migrants are pouring in? Border enforcement is not requiring them to get vaxxed but throwing unvaxxed citizens out of restaurants?

    White House Press Sec. Jen Psaki offers a mealy mouthed explanation about why migrants are not required to be vaxxed:

    White House press secretary Jen Psaki on Monday dismissed a question about why migrants are not required to be vaccinated against COVID-19 before entering the U.S. but foreign nationals who arrive by plane are, arguing that “it is not the same thing.”

    “As individuals come across the border, they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms, if they have symptoms, the intention is for them to have to be quarantined,” Psaki said of migrants entering the U.S. “That is our process.”

    “They are not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time,” Psaki said of foreign nationals when pressed for further explanation. “I don’t think it’s the same thing. It is not the same thing.”

    Oh I see, it's "the process"...Well Ms. Psaki, maybe the process should be changed?

    Reality is, the cheap labor pipeline is not to be tampered with, which shows that people's lives are still secondary to the ultra rich getting even richer.

  2. jerry pdx
    As I predicted, current Jeopardy champ Amy Schneider will be categorized as something other than a "White male". He is now falsely being touted as the highest earning "female" Jeopardy player ever!

    Breitbart thankfully offers a thoughtful article about this, unlike the fawning lying BS from mainstream news coverage:

    Has he at least gotten the snip? Doesn't matter, he's still not a bio woman. No bio woman has broken into the elite "greatest ever candidates" White male club at the very top, and Schumer is no exception. He's another White guy, no matter what the Woke try to claim.

    Jeopardy is not an athletic competition and there aren't scholarships at stake, you get rewarded purely on intellectual performance but allowing them to categorize Schumer as a female is still a symbolic victory in the war to erase gender.


  4. (NYTimes)Ghislaine Maxwell, the daughter of a British media mogul and the former companion to the disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein, was convicted on Wednesday of conspiring with him over a decade to recruit, groom and sexually abuse underage girls.

    A federal jury in Manhattan found Ms. Maxwell, 60, guilty of sex trafficking and the four other charges against her, but she was acquitted of one count of enticing a minor to travel across state lines to engage in an illegal sexual act.

    The trial was widely seen as the courtroom reckoning that Mr. Epstein never had because he was found dead in a Manhattan jail August 2019 while awaiting his own trial.

    The verdict came late on the afternoon of the jury’s fifth full day of deliberations. After the jury sent a note saying it had reached a decision, Ms. Maxwell, wearing dark clothes and a dark-colored mask, was ushered into the courtroom and sat at the corner of the defense table. She poured water from a plastic bottle into a paper cup and took a sip.

    The jurors filed into the room at 5:04 p.m. “Madame foreperson, has the jury reached a verdict?” Judge Alison J Nathan asked. “We have,” the forewoman said.

    The judge then read the verdict aloud: guilty on five of the six counts. After sitting still through the verdict, Ms. Maxwell touched her face, poured water again into a cup and again took a sip. She leaned over to speak with one of her lawyers, who patted her on the back.

    After the jurors filed out of the courtroom, Ms. Maxwell stood, cast a brief glance in the direction of her siblings — who were arrayed in the courtroom’s first row — and left the courtroom quickly, without speaking to her lawyers.

    Once expected to last up to six weeks, Ms. Maxwell’s trial moved quickly as the government pared its witness list and presented a case over 10 days that centered on four women who testified they had been abused by Mr. Epstein as teenagers.

    Two of the women testified that Mr. Epstein started engaging in sex acts with them when they were only 14 years old: one said Ms. Maxwell was sometimes present in the encounters and the other said Ms. Maxwell had molested her directly by touching her breasts.

    The accusers depicted Ms. Maxwell, a former socialite, as a kind of mentor and big sister — a picture of elegance and sophistication, one recalled — who took them shopping and to the movies in what prosecutors said was a ploy to build trust. Then she played a key role normalizing sexualized massages with Mr. Epstein that, in some cases, led to years of sexual abuse.

    “Ms. Maxwell was a sophisticated predator who knew exactly what she was doing,” a prosecutor, Alison Moe, told the jury in closing arguments last week. “She manipulated her victims and groomed them for sexual abuse.”

    The verdict was largely a rejection of Ms. Maxwell’s defense, which centered on an argument that the government’s case was based on flimsy evidence, prosecutors’ animus toward Mr. Epstein, and the inconsistent accounts of women who were motivated by money to point the finger at Ms. Maxwell.

    Throughout the trial, Ms. Maxwell’s lawyers sought to raise doubts about the testimony of her accusers, emphasize the distance between her and Mr. Epstein and criticize how the investigation was conducted.

    “The government wants you to speculate, over and over,” a lawyer for Ms. Maxwell, Laura Menninger, told the jury during closing arguments last week. She said Ms. Maxwell was on trial because of her relationship with Mr. Epstein. “Maybe that was the biggest mistake of her life, but it was not a crime,” she said.

    The charges included sex trafficking of minors, enticing a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts and transporting a minor across state lines for the same purpose. She was also charged with conspiracy to commit those crimes. The top charge of sex-trafficking of minors carries a maximum sentence of 40 years, prosecutors say.

