Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Real Lesson of the Rittenhouse Trial

By David in TN
Sat, Nov 27, 2021 4:41 p.m.

Paul Gottfried on The Real Lesson of the Rittenhouse Trial

Paul Gottfried's column ( on the Rittenhouse trial begins with Conrad Black's denial that the outcome was a vindication of the American justice system: "Because of the confluence of a competent and determined judge, courageous and diligent jurors, ludicrously incompetent and dishonest prosecutors, and enough intelligent media attention to the 15 months of the Americophobic rifraff that infects most of America's media." 

Alan Dershowitz insisted that because Rittenhouse was clearly innocent of the charges, a guilty verdict would have been overturned on appeal. Gottfried writes: "He overlooked one relevant circumstance; Rittenhouse should never have been brought to trial." Gottfried observed the appellate judges may have been intimidated into upholding the guilty verdict. 

"We might notice that President Biden and Vice President Harris went after Rittenhouse even after his acquittal. We may also assume that neither the government nor the media is through blackening his reputation." 

"The reason the judicial system has become so evil so fast is that the media abets violence against those they decide to destroy. And they will engage in this kind of mischief until a government, at the risk of media retaliation, reins them in. Although an attempt to keep the media from playing their incendiary games is not likely to happen any time soon, I don't see how we can repair our justice system until such action is taken. John Zmirak's widely cited suggestion that Rittenhouse might consider moving to Brazil, where the conservative leader Jair Bollsonaro would protect him, may have been said in jest. But I'm not sure that given the continuing media agitation, Rittenhouse is not yet out of the woods. He may therefore want to consider John's advice with the seriousness it deserves."

Prosecutors who deliberately prosecute an innocent man will appear incompetent and dishonest. Any judicial system will become evil when evil people inhabit it. 


  1. My brother mentioned how Trump was an ineffective fool wasting time failing to pick lower hanging fruit when the number one priority is to do something about the media, the propaganda is out of control. He's right, that's really the first thing you have to do. The media is like the horn on the gorgon at the end of the second Conan the Barbarian movie. Rip it out and all the other things will fall into place. The way I see it is the only hope the country has is a patriotic president declare a national emergency and in a lightening strike seize the media and it's propagandists. Image loyal colonels in every newsroom taking over every operation. You'd have to grab Silicon Valley at the same time too and lock up the NGOs who organize all the pretend spontaneous protests so the responding street rallies would be disorganized compared to what they were in the 2020 color coded revolt against Trump. I'm sure the deep state has also planed for this so you'd have to out think them.

  2. All of that appears to be true,but in the case of idiots like John Chisholm--where's HIS punishment for failing to do his job?

    Until commie heads roll,nothing changes.


  3. Correct. Shouldn't have even been a trial in the first place.

    That ADA needs to be disbarred and followed the rest of his life and never work in his profession ever again.
