Monday, November 29, 2021

The Government of Mexico, in Cahoots with the evil media is Gaslighting Americans; Many msm outlets are Publishing the Same Phony Gun-Grabber Letter

By A Texas Reader
Mon, Nov 29, 2021 5:32 p.m.

"If it weren’t for U.S. gun companies supplying a steady stream of weapons for Mexico’s criminal organizations, my then-16-year-old cousin Diego might not have been kidnapped in 2015. His mother, Veronica Rosas Valenzuela, might not be sifting through sewage searching for him this month in El Gran Canal de Ecatepec."

I have now read this very same letter to the editor on 3 different websites of news outlets.

dallas morning news.

l.a. times a few days.

And now the Miami paper.

Thanks to yahoo, a news aggregator, and the fact that I am a news junkie.

We are being gaslighted by the government of Mexico.

How many other "news" outlets published this letter?

And does the letter writer even exist?

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