Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Galloping Feminization of Public Life in the West

[Re: “When the Costs Hit Home, Nobody Will Give Up Fossil Fuels”; and

“250,000 to Die from the China Virus by March.”]

By Eahilf and Jerry PDX

By Eahilf
Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 7:29:00 P.M. EST

Thanks for pointing to this piece – I especially like this part; there is a lot of truth in it:

“Everywhere — or at least everywhere in the Western countries — government functionaries with degrees in English or Political Science (or maybe Gender Studies) issue edicts that carbon emissions will be reduced ‘50% by 2030’ or ‘90% by 2050,’ without any knowledge or understanding of how that may be accomplished.”

Who is the global high priestess of “climate change”? – Greta Thunberg – in Germany the face of Fridays for Future is Luisa Neubauer, who earned the nickname “Langstrecken Luisa” after dozens of fotos from her recreational, long-haul trips around the world were found on her IG account (when at the same time she’s saying we all have to fly less to reduce our carbon footprint) – yet this hypocritical, callow young woman of no discernible accomplishment is a regular guest on German talk shows, where she is taken seriously.

This is another example of the feminization of society, where literally every issue is heavily influenced by people, many of them women, who have little resistance to emotion-laden media propaganda – it’s also an example of how via such propaganda the Establishment can easily hijack and redirect the attention and empathy of White women.

The question is: Who is behind these people?

N.S.: Powerful White men. And it doesn’t matter anymore what their degrees are in. Scholarship and teaching have been destroyed. Sandy Cortez got her degree at Boston University in economics, without learning any economics. At UC Berzerkley (Brenda Walker), Robert Reich has an endowed chair in economics, but what does he teach? Riot science.

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, November 21, 2021 at 11:08:00 P.M. EST

Good point about feminization. Brings to mind a couple of things like how Sweden’s government has been “feminized”:

In 2018 Germany’s Cabinet was 9 men and 7 women. May be higher now but Germany’s Chancellor since 2005 has been pro-mass immigration Angela Merkel.

Sometimes I wonder, is it coincidence that two female-dominated governments in Europe are also the most rabidly pro-mass immigration ones? These policies have meant a massive infusion of young Muslim and African males into both countries and in Sweden, with only 10 million people, it has resulted in a particularly skewed gender balance of too many males in the young reproductive age category.

How would you like to be a 20-something-year-old man in Sweden looking for a wife or girlfriend, and have swarms of negro and moslem males chasing after the same young lady?

By Jerry PDX
Wednesday, November 24, 2021 at 1:46:00 P.M. EST

Magdalena Andersson, Sweden’s first female elected Prime Minister, resigns after just 8 hours!

Can’t help but feel this is a good thing, except that power has now reverted back to Stefan Lovfen, who has been Prime Minister for 16 years, and helped usher in Sweden’s new “multicultural” society. As bad as he has been, I suspect that Green Party candidate Andersson would even be worse. She gives some indication about her stand on immigration here:

Earlier this month, Swedish Minister of Finance Magdalena Andersson delivered her maiden speech as head of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and thus, the presumptive successor to longtime Prime Minister Stefan Lofven. Andersson began, predictably enough, by celebrating the triumph of the Swedish welfare state over the neoliberalism of the “grinning bankers on Wall Street.” Then, in a turn that shocked some loyal party members, Andersson directly addressed the country’s 2 million-odd refugees and migrants. “If you are young,” she said, “you must obtain a high school diploma and go on to get a job or higher education.” If you receive financial aid from the state, “you must learn Swedish and work a certain number of hours a week.” What’s more, “here in Sweden, both men and women work and contribute to welfare.” Swedish gender equality applies “no matter what fathers, mothers, spouses, or brothers think and feel.”

Lovfen pro-migrant policies have resulted in the population of Sweden growing to 20% migrants, most of which are Muslim, African or East Asian.

In 2015, Swedes took immense pride in the country’s decision to accept 163,000 refugees, most from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. “My Europe takes in refugees,” Lofven said at the time. “My Europe doesn’t build walls.”

According to the article Andersson may still become Prime Minister if a budget deal can be worked out. Is there a single viable PM candidate in Sweden that isn’t a globalist tool? Maybe Poland or Hungary could hire out some of their leaders to straighten things out in Sweden.


  1. "Magdalena Andersson, Sweden’s first female elected Prime Minister, resigns after just 8 hours!"

    Never heard of such a thing. Someone has XXXX porn of her??

  2. Without a revolutionary pushback from US,the globalists will push forward it appears uncontested. Whites around the globe are doing a great collective impersonation of frogs being placed in water,slowly boiling.It's the best metaphor for what's going on the last couple of decades.


  3. >pro-mass immigration Angela Merkel

    Merkel is an odd case -- just a few years earlier (2010) she was saying things like 'Multikulti ist gescheitert' (link), meaning multiculturalism is a failure -- this was perhaps a reaction to Thilo Sarrazin's new book Deutschland schafft sich ab (Germany is destroying itself), which showed via lots of data how migrants in Germany were far worse than Germans in every important metric (e.g. education, crime), even after being in the country for generations -- it is still the best-selling German language non-fiction book of the 21st century.

    Then in 2015 she's allegedly worried about (the equivalent of) 'bad optics' on Europe's borders, so she announces Germany will not enforce the Dublin Accord, setting off a free-for-all as migrants rushed toward central Europe from all directions -- a short time later she's posing for selfies with Flüchtlinge.

    I agree with a German Twitter user who said no one has done more harm to Germany since WWII than Angela Merkel.

  4. I understand the sentiment:

    link -- i will never be able to forgive liberal white women for what they’ve done to the west. they should all be in prison

    Swedish Politician Prosecuted For Stating Sudanese Migrants With 65 IQs ‘Impossible To Integrate’

    Although Social Democrat Christine Gilljam reported Malmberg to the authorities immediately after he gave the speech, prosecutor Robert Eriksson waited until last summer to proceed with the prosecution of the politician. Commenting on her reasoning for reporting Malmberg to police, Gilljam argued that the statements he made expressed “racial biological thinking based on the premise that humanity can be divided into different races, where some are more valuable than others.”

    Any society that humors women like Greta Thunberg, Luisa Neubauer, and Christine Gilljam is doomed.

  5. "carbon emissions will be reduced ‘50% by 2030’ or ‘90% by 2050,’ without any knowledge or understanding of how that may be accomplished.”

    Nothing will be accomplished even if the goals of the "Western nations" is reached. China and India oblivious to such appeals to reduce emissions. Top polluters will just continue to pollute.
