Tuesday, November 30, 2021

nation of islam murder cult Mayor-Elect Eric Adams is Heading to Ghana amid Omicron, as Part of His Ambitious Foreign Affairs Program

black supremacist Mayor-Elect Eric Adams

By N.S.

"Made a Promise to Myself": Mayor-Elect Adams Heading to Ghana amid Omicron



  1. jerry pdx
    Remember when I called Gary Trudeau possibly the most overrated humorist that has ever lived? Every time I sneak a peek at Doonesbury it affirms exactly that and this Sunday's strip was no exemption: https://www.gocomics.com/doonesbury/2021/11/28
    I almost hate to give him clicks but you have to read it to believe just how lame this guy really is. Back in the 70's, he was kind of funny, or at least he had a moment now and then but when he came out of retirement to "fight the resurgence of conservatism" there was no trace of what little actual talent for humor he actually had.

    This is a quote from his latest strip:

    "Dying in the ICU from an almost completely preventable disease"

    The ignorance of this man is profound and deep. The vaxx does not "prevent" Covid, it only reduces or eliminates symptoms. That is not "prevention". Then his final line...the "gag" line, he tries to make us laugh at the irony of conservative critics of the vaxx dying from Covid. Maybe there have been a few, but they have always been older men in a high risk group in which every year, even pre Covid, many die of respiratory ailments. You could always find examples of that happening, but that does not mean statistically it's happening any more than it did before. You'd need some legit stats to prove that and the likes of Mr. Trudeau believe in stats when they back up their ideology, denounce them when they don't. Every time, guaranteed.

    People actually read his crap and somehow believe it's some kind of sharp political satire.

    I think a requirement nowadays to be a far left "Woke" comedian, comic or whatever is that you can't actually be funny or you'll have no audience. There may be a few exceptions to that rule but not many.

  2. Trudeau is also probably an atheist, judging from another unfunny Sunday comic of his from years ago.

    A high school teacher tells his reluctant students that he is forced by law to give them an alternative idea to evolution, that is, the universe has a creator. Both the teacher and students are aghast at this idea, because, of course, they're all smart enough to know better.

    Wish I had a link, but I don't.

  3. OH GAWD! The first thing the negro does after his election is make a trip to Ghana. Really concerned about the local folks, aren't you Mr. Negro.

  4. “I made a promise to myself that I would visit Ghana following the 400-year anniversary of slavery in America and the election, to show how far we have come and remember how far we still must go,” said Adams, who will be the city’s second black mayor.

    How is that in the interest of, or does it benefit, taxpayers and citizens of NYC? -- he can take time off and go as a private citizen if he wants.

    The grim anniversary of slaves arriving in America passed in 2019. At the time, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi led a delegation to Ghana to mark the historical event and the West African country encouraged the descendants of slaves to travel to their motherland for a “Year of Return.”

    Yeah, well, some of us would like to make such a trip mandatory for Blacks in America, and their stay in Africa permanent.
