Thursday, October 21, 2021

Watch: Australian P.M. Admits on Camera Quarantine Camps for "Unvaccinated"

By R.C.
Thu, Oct 21, 2021 6:49 p.m.

Watch: Australian Premier Admits on Camera Quarantine Camps for "Unvaccinated"

R.C.: So, camps for members of Congress?


  1. When I just paste this into the address line at the top of the page, somehow Google gives me anything but this--Google is censoring this out. I have to go to DuckDuckGo and paste it in to get the Australian Gulag story. Make no mistake, these will be death camps--ivermectin will not be allowed and people will get Covid and die. Before that happens, Autralians need to take action. Peaceful if possible, violent if necessary. Riots in the streets will play into the fascists' hands. What is needed is death squads to go to those responsible and take them out. Hopefully Australia has a few freedom-loving patriots left who will save their country from these fascists.

  2. When Biden starts this here--a few questions:

    What do we do when we go there?How will we spend the rest of our lives at this beautiful facility? Will it be like summer camp?(There'd better not be queers in charge of bedchecks).Can I beat anyone who makes gay advances toward me?I'll beat them--whether you give permission or not.

    Will I have to dig a hole for no reason--and then fill it back up with dirt again--all day and night?

    How many changes of clothes will I need?Should I avoid buildings named Dachau and Buchenwald?

    Will sunscreen be available for purchase?Gas masks?

    Will it be segregated?

    Is this legal?How much money will I receive from civil lawsuits won?

    Will prescriptions be filled?

    Will there be any TV channels available besides NBC and CNN?Free wi-fi,so I can report to NSU?

    Thank you.

    GRA--happily unvaxxed.

  3. Wife and I took our ivermectin horse paste today (take it twice a week--started 12/2021). Hopefully we can avoid the hospital where they prohibit ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and instead give you worthless Remesivir (sp?) which destroys your kidneys and 25% end up dead. Ivermectin is safer than the clot shot and more effective too. If government allowed it everywhere, there would be no pressure to get the clot shot and no reason to set up quarantine camps. Nebraska Attorney General says it is legal for doctors to prescribe both drugs. Who will be the first governor to have the guts and intelligence and follow suit? Haven't heard Trump talking about this--is he afraid?

  4. How do you take the Ivermectin? Do you rub it onto your skin? And if so, to which part of the body?

  5. The Aussies are setting themselves up for a major rebellion. What is really an insurrection. Not to be confused with what occurred Jan. 6.
