Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Just When I was Starting to Like the Braves’ Young Breakthrough Player, Eddie Rosario, I Get the Bad News

By N.S.

He was just interviewed by tbs’ Lauren Shahada after the Braves’ 9-2 rout of the Dodgers, giving Atlanta a 3-1 lead in the National League Championship Series, over the favorite Dodgers in L.A. Rosario had just had his second four-hit game in three games, tonight hitting two homers and a triple, including a three-run dinger in the top of the ninth, to ice the game.

And what do I see? A dopy, young interpreter, standing around with his hands in his pockets, and needing a haircut.
Well, what can you expect from an immigrant like Rosario, who just washed up on our shores yesterday from… Puerto Rico?! That means he’s an American citizen by birth.

Ten-fifteen years ago, Baseball Inc’s., suits used to brag about how hispanic players were all learning English. What a load of hooey that was. Even hispanic players “born in America”— “Puerto Rico’s in America!”—increasingly refuse to speak a word of English. That’s because the suits have no loyalty to America. For them, it’s just a money-printing machine.

1 comment:

  1. It's why I gave up baseball.A sport invented by Whites(like our country was created by Whites)and turned over in exceedingly large numbers to Jose,Pedro,Guillermo,Luis,Garcia and Hernandez.That isn't MY idea of American baseball.Same sentiments about our country.

