Saturday, October 23, 2021

Biden Flashed “White Power” Hand Symbol

By Merlin
Sat, Oct 23, 2021 5:01 p.m.

Biden Flashed "White Power" Hand Symbol

Biden Flashed "White Power" Hand Symbol During CNN's Town Hall

Biden appeared to flash the "white power" hand symbol during his televised town hall on CNN.
Don't believe us?
Here's the moment it happened:
Some of you might think that Joe Biden is just making the "OK" sign with his hand.
But according to the Left's logic, he is not.
Trump made the "OK" sign sometimes while he was speaking.
But the left claimed that it was a "white power" symbol.
Yet… Biden can make this symbol multiple times on cnn, and now the same people don't seem to care!
Here's a clip of Trump making the "OK" sign:
But after that incident, the Left claimed that Trump was using a white power symbol.
The Rolling Stone fed into the frenzy:
While referring to New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in a speech on Tuesday, President Trump flashed a distinctive hand gesture.
The gesture is traditionally the symbol for "OK," but, mutated by a wildly successful 4chan hoax and stripped of its irony by White supremacists, it's now also used as an earnest "white power" symbol.
So when does it mean what? As the Anti-Defamation League writes in an explainer, "The overwhelming usage of the 'OK' hand gesture today is still its traditional purpose as a gesture signifying assent or approval. As a result, someone who uses the symbol cannot be assumed to be using the symbol in either a trolling or, especially, White supremacist context unless other contextual evidence exists to support the contention."
He was either using the OK sign for no apparent reason, or ironically as a symbol to trigger snowflake libs who would believe it was a symbol for White power, or unironically because it actually is a symbol for White power.

And it wasn't just the Rolling Stone.

Other media outlets began reporting on it every time Trump made the "OK" sign with his hands.
forbes even ran an entire article when a Trump supporter made the gesture at a rally:
A man standing directly behind President Donald Trump at a campaign rally at The Villages in Florida on Friday repeatedly made a hand gesture associated with the White supremacy movement, which coincided with the president making several racially insensitive remarks during his stump speech.
The movement associated with the gesture, called "Operation O-KKK," was reportedly started on the anonymous message board platform 4chan in 2017.
Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klansmen and other White nationalists use the gesture in public "to signal their presence and to spot potential sympathizers and recruits," the New York Times reported in 2019.
It appears that the Left clearly thinks the OK symbol is a white supremacy sign.
So that raises the question:
Why did Biden make this sign multiple times during cnn's town hall?unately, a few honest journalists are picking up on this story.
The Right Scoop reports:

cnn  held a presidential town hall tonight where Joe Biden was asked questions by someone in the "audience" about taxing the wealthy.
Biden answered the question with a whisper and then flashed…a white power sign?
Ok of course it's not a White power sign, because Biden used it and he's not a Republican or a racist. No one in the media would every [sic] accuse Biden of using a White power sign.
We all know what would happen if Trump made that exact same sign.
It's hypocrisy and dishonesty at its worst!


  1. I think he's pretending(hallucinating) that he's a proctologist.Joe doesn't know anymore.

    Monday,he's a sailor;Tuesday,he's Trump;Wednesday,he thinks he's black;Thursday,a proctologist;Friday,an eight year old boy;Saturday,he's Clint Eastwood and Sunday--God(he rests).



    ( top-ranked tennis player in the world is set to be barred from competing in the 2022 Australian Open, with authorities of the draconian Australian government indicating they’re totally unwilling to allow unvaccinated athletes to enter the country.

    Mr. Djokovic has declined to reveal his vaccination status, rather than openly state he’s choosing not to get the vaccine. He’s won the Australian Open nine times already, a record for any player in the annual tournament.

    Djokovic is considered one of the greatest tennis players of all time, and restricting him from playing in a grand slam tournament would entail a sports ban of one of the world’s most prominent and successful athletes from competition.

    “I will not reveal my status, whether I have been vaccinated or not. It is a private matter and an inappropriate inquiry,” Djokovic told of Serbian daily Blic earlier this year when vaccine controversies began in the tennis world. “People go too far these days in taking the liberty to ask questions and judge a person.”

    Tennis insiders have estimated that approximately 65% of male players and 60% of female players are vaccinated, indicating that almost half of both player pools will be restricted from competing in the Australian Open.

    Djovokic had won the 2021 Australian Open, raising serious questions about the integrity of a grand slam tournament that bars the incumbent champion from competing.

    Observers from around the democratic world have questioned what they see as tyranny from the Australian government, with the former prison colony’s policies increasingly resembling fascism. Residents of the island continue to face constant confinement to their homes, pervasive police harassment, forcible suppression of protests, and “health” restrictions that government officials claim will be permanent.


  3. "Why did Biden make this"

    And what about the Anderson Cooper interview and townhall where he stood as a robot for minutes wi8th fists clenched in front of him. Doctor Jill could not do a thing as long as on camera.


    (Breitbart)During this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Night in America,” Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) encouraged Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) to swap parties as his caucus continues to shift further to the left.

    Manchin, who has been at odds with members of his caucus over their massive spending plan, recently floated the idea of changing his party affiliation to an independent if his legislating as a centrist was problematic.

    Lee said there is “no reason” Manchin should remain with the party of inflation or “lawlessness.”

    “Look, there is still plenty of time he could still switch parties if he wants to,” Lee advised. “I encourage him to do so. There is no reason why he belongs with the party of inflation, why he belongs with the party of lawlessness, why he ought to remain with the party that is harassing him, intimidating him, belittling him at every turn just so they can fundamentally remake the American economy and American society. No, look, Joe Manchin absolutely should leave the Democratic Party, and I look forward to embracing him when he joins our caucus.”

    GRA:Is Manchin going to vote differently as a Repub than as a Democrat?No.



    Like any pro (ATP, WTA) tennis tournament today, the Australian Open is both an athletic competition as well as a commercial enterprise, meaning money is made by staging it.

    With top players absent the value of winning is diminished (no matter who says otherwise) -- also the commercial interest (sponsors, TV) will be less -- while it may be possible to lose money for a year or two, that cannot go on indefinitely.

    Given my impression of Aussies, I'm genuinely surprised by how easily and quickly COVID turned Australia into a tyrannical police state -- I would like to see a plausible psycho-social explanation of that -- one possibility is too many women in politics:

    Australia -- States and territories

    4 of 6 Australian states are headed by females.

    However the UK is one of the worst countries in Europe for 'hate speech' etc:

    Surrey Police investigation over 'misgendering' tweets
