Friday, October 22, 2021

Alec Baldwin Cover-Up Continues Apace: Now, Movie People and Their msm Shills Want Us to Believe that Baldwin Accidentally Shot Two Two People, Killing One, with One Bullet, from a Prop Gun that was Never Supposed to be Loaded

“Cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was killed and director Joel Souza was injured [sic] on set while filming the movie Rust in Santa Fe, New Mexico, on Oct. 21, 2021.”

By N.S.

Either this was murder and attempted murder by Baldwin; negligent homicide and aggravated assault by the prop master; or premeditated murder and aggravated assault by whoever loaded live rounds into a “prop gun.” However, there is no justifiable explanation for Baldwin pointing a gun at not one but two people who were not characters he was supposed to be shooting in a scene, let alone firing it.

Over the past 40 years, several people have died on Hollywood movie sets, due to negligent homicide or murder. During the studio system days, this never happened.

The Union claims that “New Mexico” people, not union people, were handling the props. Why isn't the union raising holy heck?! Was this an affirmative action incident? Will we ever get any straight answers? Don’t hold your breath.

"Prop Gun Used by Alec Baldwin in Shooting Contained Live Round: Union"


  1. It's obvious now that you show her picture--her hair,just peeking out from under her cap,looks just like TRUMP'S HAIR--Baldwin went nuts with TDS.

    Next case.


  2. jerry pdx
    Alec Baldwin's temper is legendary, but shooting someone? Interestingly, the camera crew walked off previous to the incident over working conditions:
    Apparently, it's a low budget film Baldwin was helping to finance but he was one of the actors so maybe he was using the gun during a scene. One has to wonder how a screw up like that could happen though...a disgruntled workers who hate Baldwin?
    He is a flaming liberal who has Trump derangement syndrome so I really don't feel sorry for him, if this ends his career, then good riddance.

  3. >Shot Two People, Killing One, with One Bullet

    Another single bullet theory -- fired with a dodgy gun.
