Monday, August 02, 2021

Unfunny “Comedienne,” Liberal Hollywood Loudmouth, and Woke Political Dunce Kathy Griffin Finally Got a Laugh—When She Announced She’s been Diagnosed with Lung Cancer

By Jerry PDX
Monday, August 2, 2021 at 12:22:00 P.M. EDT

Unfunny “comedienne,” liberal Hollywood loudmouth, and Woke political dunce Kathy Griffin has been diagnosed with lung cancer.

Check out her photos—does she look like a female impersonator, or what? And a pretty hideous one, at that. I’d like to take the high road here, but after her own long history of kicking people on the right even when they’re down, Trump decapitation stunt, and they way Hollywood savaged Limbaugh after his diagnosis, I’m not feeling very charitable. What comes around, goes around. Karma is a b—ch.

1 comment:

  1. Her career will revive now--all the talk shows will plaster her on ASAP.

    The first cancer doesn't kill you--it's when it comes back.Cancer may be a reaction of the body to exhibiting TDS--of which its effects are only being learned about now.

    If Cher,Madonna,Joy Behar,Ashley Judd get it too,we'll have our proof.

    Not that we're rooting for anyone to get cancer--ARE WE?(lol)

