Monday, August 02, 2021

"She" Represents the USA at the Olympics

By "W"
Mon, Aug 2, 2021 4:26 a.m.

"W": "She" Represents USA at the Olympics

"W": Ummm...some might suggest that she is "arguably human" at best....


  1. jerry pdx
    Unfunny "comedienne", liberal Hollywood loudmouth and Woke political dunce Kathy Griffin has been diagnosed with lung cancer.
    Check out her photos, does she look like a female impersonator or what? And a pretty hideous one at that. I'd like to take the high road here but after her own long history of kicking people on right even when they're down, Trump decapitation stunt and they way Hollywood savaged Limbaugh after his diagnosis, I'm not feeling very charitable. What comes around goes around, karma is a bitch.

  2. OH, that is a woman. Saw a pic of the "Hulk" before and thought it was a man. And X stands for a term the average citizen has no clue to what it means. I thought it was Malcolm X.
