Sunday, August 01, 2021

Fighting Murderous Lawfare: Family of Jake Gardner Files Suit after Suicide Following Grand Jury Indictment -- Gardner was Indicted after Killing blm Rioter in Self-Defense

By R.C.
Sat, Jul 31, 2021 11:46 p.m.

Family of Jake Gardner Files Suit after Suicide Following Grand Jury Indictment -- Gardner was Indicted after Killing blm Rioter in Self-Defense

R.C.: Ultimately, the responsibility lies with the Deep State.

Even Sergey Lavrov said the U.S. was undergoing a color revolution:

Those “riots” were incredibly well organized and timed.

Watch any of Jeffrey Prather’s videos.

He’ll tell you straight.

The “medics” deployed during the riots were trained to pick up spent shells.

Bob Barr and the other oligarchs knew exactly what was going on.

And the state-controlled msm served as a force-multiplier for the oligarchs.

1 comment:

  1. Jake only shot the man when he was being choked to death by a rioter and looter. The very thing the negro hates so much, being choked by the cops, they do the same but worse.
