Friday, July 30, 2021

James Baldwin, Tucker Carlson, and an Off-the-Rack black supremacist

[Re: “James Baldwin: Segregationist, Racist, Moron.”]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous, An Anonymous Anonymous, and Jerry PDX

[N.S.: I just ran across this triple item, while searching for a quote from my old logic teacher, Michael Levin. I seem to have forgotten about it at the time. Better late than never, I always say!]

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 11:23:00 A.M. EDT

Atlanta Blackstar (objective—NOT) review of Tucker Carlson show, discussing James Baldwin:

A Black professor’s attempt to have a civil, mature conversation about race proved too much to handle for Fox News host Tucker Carlson, who launched into a full-on fit.

Dr. Ricky L. Jones, who pens opinion pieces for Louisville’s the Courier-Journal, stopped by Carlson’s show Monday to discuss his latest op-ed titled, “Was James Baldwin Right When He Called White Americans Moral Monsters?” It wasn’t long before the conversation flew off the rails.

“I’d encourage people to read the piece,” Jones, a professor of pan-African studies at the University of Louisville, said after Tucker accused him of pegging all white folks as moral monsters. “Actually, that was the conclusion of legendary writer James Baldwin after many years in America.”

[GRA: My conclusion is that Jones is a full-blown racist, like his hero, Baldwin.]

“I simply posed the question as to whether or not Baldwin was right when we place some of the behavior along lines of race into historical context,” he explained.

The answer didn’t satisfy Carlson, however, who tried to twist the argument by questioning if it’d be okay to describe Black people as moral monsters without being labeled a racist.

“Do you think one person’s race affects their moral standing?” he interjected before cherry-picking a quote from the piece describing whites as “brutally mean and inhumane.” “Aren’t these your words? Tell me what you meant by it.”

“I’m going to be patient with you. I’m going to be patient with you and let you ask and answer the questions you like to,” Jones replied, growing frustrated but remaining calm. “But we’ll run out of time, television is certainly a short platform. Again, I encourage —”

“You said it five times,” Carlson jumped in again. “Why don’t you answer my question, which is, would it be okay for me to write the sentence, ‘Why are black Americans so brutally mean and insensitive. If you would, please answer the question.”

“I’m answering the question,” Jones said. “The first thing that I would do, what I would not limit myself in a very myopic way to one sentence of a piece. I would endeavor to read the article?”

GRA: The latest liberal/communist strategy is to call people Nazis, fascists, and now “monsters,” either moral or immoral. Ricky Jones agrees with Baldwin 100%, no doubt, though he tried to pass himself off as an objective questioner. But that is just camouflage for the occasion of visiting Carlson. By calling white people, “monsters,” Jones (and others like him) give tacit approval to blacks, to KILL the monstrous whites.

And they do.

--GR Anonymous

By Anonymous (Not GRA)
Wednesday, July 4, 2018 at 12:17:00 P.M. EDT

Many negroes have a hard time understanding one another. That is why they say to one another all the time: “ya’ know what I’m saying?” Their diction, poor grammar, rapid fire manner of speech and slurring of words makes it hard for ANYONE to understand them.

They also assume that words and phrases they use all the time by themselves are understood by EVERYONE, when they are not.

“Alley apple” in some parts of Philadelphia means a brick fallen into the alley from a decaying, abandoned building. In New York City, that term might not even be understood at all.

By Jerry PDX
Thursday, July 5, 2018 at 12:21:00 A.M. EDT

Here is a link to the video of Tucker Carlson interviewing “professor” Ricky Jones: [N.S.: The video is no longer available. Links here lead to Jones’ “things.”]

Notice that Jones refuses to answer directly any questions posed by Tucker. When he asks: If a white person asked if all black people were “moral monsters, would he be racist?,” it’s a legit question, because yes, as we all know, if a white media figure even implied something like that, in any context, he would be excoriated by the media, fired from his job and whitelisted.

Jones would never directly address the question, no matter how many times Carlson asked. He would attempt to launch into a 400-years-of-oppression diatribe every time, and Tucker understandably would shut him down because it had nothing to do with his point. Basically, Jones wanted to use the interview as a forum to lecture whitey on the history of racism. He, and other black supremacists, think that after they finish lecturing about evil whitey we’ll understand that anything modern black racists do is justified. It all be reparations, you know.


  1. Baldwin was a gay man. Since blacks generally hate gays and even will kill gays if they get the chance, James placed himself among bad company.

  2. jerry pdx
    This is typical of race hustlers like Jones, they will accuse somebody like Tucker of myopically ignoring the larger historical and global context but then dishonestly focus in on a few centuries of US history while ignoring that there is a world history that actually stretches back many thousands of years. I use this all the time when arguing with Afrosupremists, when they start telling me to look at the "bigger picture" I say: OK, since you challenged me with that, let's take it to the next level look at the global history of genocides committed by Asian and Africans, and their long practices of slavery and religious/ethnic persecutions in which Whites had no involvement. After I cite some documented history they either start calling me names, say it all be "white man's lies" or disappear and don't respond.
