Saturday, July 31, 2021

Giant of Environmentalism and Immigration Reform, Three-Term Colorado Gov. Dick Lamm Dead at 85 of a Pulmonary Embolism

By N.S.

A colleague writes,

Dick Lamm has died…

Yes, --- and -----, Dick Lamm will indeed be sorely missed and long appreciated.

He was truly a “heterodox” thinker, in addition to being a scholar, unflinching activist, attorney, accountant, politician, and public official. Almost unique among prominent politicians in understanding and being willing to speak out about limits and tough choices.


  1. Are we supposed to elevate him to sainthood for "immigration reform(which I assume to mean "flood the borders")and environmentalism(that's so wide ranging a subject that without further info,I'd have to leave that one alone)or give him the Mussolini send-off?
    I'll bet he was big on affirmative action for blacks and blm.

    Shark food?

    Btw,did he get a jab,that caused the embolism?


  2. The chickens indeed came home to roost for Richard Lamm. And I am ambivalent. Lamm made the very bad verbal gaffe of saying old folks USA should just die as too much money was spent on them for last-years-of-life medical care.
