Friday, July 23, 2021

black supremacist Rep. Cori Bush Gets Caught Pulling “White Supremacist” Hate Hoax; Will Congress Censure Her?

By Nicholas Stix

Screenshot posted by Bush appears to be of an unsubmitted request form on her website, making it unlikely that the message was sent to Bush by a "white supremacist."

Hate Hoax?: Rep. Cori Bush Posts “White Supremacist” Hate Message It Appears She Wrote Herself

Screenshot posted by Bush appears to be of an unsubmitted request form on her website, making it unlikely that the message was sent to Bush by a “white supremacist.”


  1. That HAS to be a crime of some type--but blackies are rarely called out for this anymore--or punished.


  2. No grammatical errors, misspellings or childish scrawl with online stuff. Makes it hard to detect the hoax.
