Friday, July 30, 2021

black supremacist female: When black females Malinger, It’s Revolutionary!

By Nicholas Stix

“Black Women Announce: We Tired”

Steve Sailer discusses this important matter at his blog.

Michael Levin (2000): “There are a few excellent black writers, but jumbles like this are all too typical of black intellectuals. What sort of disordered mind produces them? More urgently, how can whites — accustomed to language that communicates rather than wears down — deal with such minds? At the very least, whites must recognize that they face something fundamentally alien.”

(That was in Levin’s review of Randall Robinson’s book-length, reparations screed, The Debt.)

N.S. They’re not fundamentally alien to me, but then, neither is athlete’s foot.


  1. “If Black English isn't a Language, then Tell Me, What is?”

    Slurred words, grammatical errors. And if written, childish scrawl.

  2. From the Sailor article:

    Black women are programmed to believe that rest is not for us. “For hundreds of years we have carried the weight of the world on our shoulders,” says Alisha Robertson.
    GRA:Shoulders?Their fat.obese,rotund asses,is more like it.And their gigantic flabby arms and stomachs and monstrous thighs.

    Shoulders,not so much,however.

