Monday, June 07, 2021

Here is the Lecturer at Jerelyn Luther University, aka Yale, Who Dreams about Shooting Whites in the Head

By "W"
Sat, Jun 5, 2021 11:46 a.m.

Here is the Yale Lecturer Who Dreams about Shooting Whites in the Head

"W": Her parents are reportedly Iranian. Had the 1924 Immigration Act not been repealed in 1965, she would likely be ranting on another continent today.

N.S.: She sounds like a completely uneducated person.




    GRA:Three hundred dead(media infers "all blacks"),100 years ago,there are at least 500 Whites massacred by blacks--every year.This story was from 2016--it could only have gotten worse since then--murderwise.

    (US NEWS and WORLD REPORT)The number of black people who killed whites and the number of whites who killed blacks climbed to levels not seen since 2008, accounting last year for their largest percentages of U.S. homicides of black and white victims since at least the start of the century, according to the crime data.

    The statistics show that the 500 killings of white people attributed to blacks last year were the most since black perpetrators were determined to be responsible for the homicides of 504 white people nationwide in 2008. Last year's total was up 12 percent from the 446 recorded in 2014 and 22 percent from the 409 seen in 2013, a year that saw the lowest total this century and one that capped seven years of general declines in black-on-white homicides. Prior to that, 2006 saw the most black-on-white killings since 2001, with 573.

    The 229 black lives taken by white killers last year, however, marked an even larger leap from 2014, jumping more than 22 percent from the 187 black victims killed by whites that year, which was the second-lowest total since 2001. The tally was last exceeded in 2008, when 230 blacks were slain by whites. The highest total in the last 15 years came in 2007, when 245 black people were killed by Whites.

    GRA:But I'll bet you that most of the Whites counted,who supposedly killed blacks,were Mex--and not Whites per se.This is an ongoing massacre of Whites by blacks.


  2. jerry pdx
    I also wonder about the circumstances of white and black killings. We had a recent "murder" of a black man by a white man:
    Russell Courtier ran down Larnell Bruce with his car after a dispute. I actually don't disagree this could have been a legitimate murder but if the races had been reversed I suspect it would have ended up being manslaughter or justified self defense. We were treated to a barrage of news articles about what a saint "Larnell" was and what an evil racist Courtier was. The only evidence Courtier was a racist was that he had joined a white power gang in prison, something all whites do for protection against racist black gangs. That being said, Courtier was a piece of work, but so was Larnell Bruce. His record of criminal activity was downplayed or ignored and nothing in any article spoke about the actual incident that sparked the confrontation.
    I have a feeling that many white on black killings were similar to the Courtier/Bruce incident, a white responding to negro shit but then the white being demonized.

  3. This horse-faced woman is actually a self-hating white person as Iranians are Caucasian. Of course most Iranians are deranged because of their insane primitive religion. And the popular idea that people study psychology because they hope to understand their own mental problems often seems to be true. But the real shame is that so many universities employ such nut jobs and give them a forum to inflict their insanity on young vulnerable minds.

  4. jerry pdx
    I posted the following comment on Breitbart re this "lecturer" who dreams of killing whites:

    Interestingly I can find no info online about her ethnicity though the name Aruna appears to be attached to a lot of Indian people. She could be Indian, Pakistani or Iranian, I don't know but in any case her ethnic origins come from a region of the world that have their own long history of wicked evil behavior.
    I mean seriously, if this woman is Indian does she even have the slightest idea about the history of her own people? Or current behavior?
    OK, Ms. Khilanani, ever hear of something called female infanticide? There are currently 200 million missing women in the region you originate from because female babies are either aborted in the womb, because they are female, or murdered after birth. That's how little your people value the life of females, they are disposable and thrown in dumps like garbage to die:
    This genocide is still ongoing as we speak, and getting worse according to some studies. Apparently, these people aren't evolving with modern times.
    Not even to mention issues like untouchable classes in Asia, child bride marriage, honor killings and inter religious pogroms and mass ethnic/religious persecutions, all still actively practiced in 3rd world "non white" countries.
    Interesting, nothing like this is going on in "white" countries Ms. Khilanani, we have evolved beyond it, you "non whites" have not.
    You were saying again about white people Ms. Khilanani?

    I received two quick upvotes and one downvote (there are always Woke trolls lurking on Breitbart and Fox) but then my comment got tagged with a red "pending" message, I can still see it but it might not be visible to other viewers. It's probably because I posted a link in my comment but I hope this isn't a sign Breitbart is getting more "Foxlike" in monitoring it's comment fields. If you got a "pending" or "awaiting moderation" on any of those older comment fields your comment never got out of pending status, it just stayed there forever. Of course you can still comment pretty freely on both sites, unlike everywhere else where they've pretty much stifled any kind of non pc commentary, but who knows how long that will last.


    It always amazes me these foreign nationals thrive and do so well in the USA in a manner they could never do in their own land [especially females] and yet they hate whitey so much.
