Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Breaking News: St. Paul, Minneapolis Announce Lifting of Mask Mandates

-----Original Message-----
From: Pioneer Press <Newsletters@email.twincities.com>
To: add1dda@aol.com
Sent: Tue, Jun 1, 2021 9:11 pm

Breaking News: St. Paul, Minneapolis Announce Lifting of Mask Mandates

St. Paul's decision was not without hesitation and even a little finger-pointing at its sister city across the river.


First Minneapolis, then St. Paul announce lifting of COVID-19 mask requirements

St. Paul's decision was not without hesitation and even a little finger-pointing at its sister city across the river.

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    George Floyd was sighted shortly after the mask mandate was lifted earlier Tuesday.He was observed by local reporters,standing near Cup Foods--buying speedballs--but the media covered up the shocking discovery in order so that the Floyd famblee could keep their 27 million dollar settlement and White cop Derek Chauvin would go to prison for life.

    One Floyd relative laughed,"No one can tell us apart when we DON'T have masks on,but you sure as sh*t can't do it WITH masks.George has been walking around all this time--he wasn't dead--we all lied to make easy money."

    A street dealer agreed:"He don't look the same,y'all.Now he has money for an Afro wig and new clothes.He don't come down here that often--usually just to buy drugs--but he's in disguise now.He kinda looks like Samuel Jackson in "Pulp Fiction."

    The reporters who unofficially had said they'd seen Floyd,officially denied it in a later statement and said they "were not going to comment on any further reports of 'people seeing George Floyd' again."

    GRA:Hey,if blacks can revise history,why can't I?And maybe,it's even true.


  2. Somali there never probably followed the rules to begin with.
