Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day Video: Reveille

David Huddleston and James McEachin


With best Memorial Day wishes to my readers and their loved ones.

Lest we forget.

To Mssrs. Huddleston (U.S. Air Force) and McEachin (U.S. Army), now both past 80: I thank you for your service, gentlemen.

Thanks to Rudeseal and Hal Netkin at lawatchdog and, above all, to the Brothers Montierth!

Postscript, Memorial Day, 2017:

David Huddleston: September 17, 1930-August 2, 2016, RIP.

Memorial Day, 2018:

James McEachin, who just turned 88 (2022: 92!) on May 20, is still among us.

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