Monday, April 26, 2021

Organized Revenge Campaign Seeks to Discredit Expert Defense Witness in Chauvin Trial, and in Order to Intimidate Other Experts Out of Testifying on Behalf of White Policemen Targeted in Show Trials

By Nicholas Stix

His name is Dr. David Fowler, and for 17 years, he was the Chief Medical Examiner for the State of Maryland. Now, we are to suddenly believe that he is utterly incompetent, that all of his professional judgments should be reversed, and that his medical license should be cancelled.

An NPR “thing” by political official, Rachel Treisman, is typical of the racial-socialist attacks on Dr. Fowler:

“While the Hennepin County medical examiner concluded that Floyd’s death was a homicide, Fowler argued the manner of death should be classified as ‘undetermined.’”

Note that 458 Democrat (and possibly some RINO) physicians have signed the petition against this man, whom they had nothing against, prior to his testifying on behalf of Officer Derek Chauvin. That is evidence of deep, political corruption of the sort one used to find only in medical examiners’ offices in black supremacist hellholes like Detroit.

I suggest that each of the conspirators against Dr. Fowler be investigated.

They seek—now with the collusion of state officials, including Democrat state Attorney General Brian Frosh and Gov. Larry Hogan (officially, a Republican, but not so’s you’d know it)—to not only have everything Dr. Fowler did as Chief Medical Examiner undone, but to get his medical license revoked, as well.

Will Dr. Fowler have to march in the street, wearing a large, white dunce cap, while being humiliated and tortured, and ultimately murdered by the blm and antifa Red Guard?



  1. Angry negroes,angry commies want his job no doubt.Sounds criminal, imho,to force someone out of a job he's had for 30+ years(no complaints all that time)--doesn't it?


  2. If you are a whitey you are NOT even entitled to a fair trial or even ANY trial whatsoever. You are guilty and it is so. And must be.

  3. “While the Hennepin County medical examiner concluded that Floyd’s death was a homicide, Fowler argued the manner of death should be classified as ‘undetermined.’”

    It was a homicide. The Floyd boy killed himself with a drug overdose.
