Sunday, April 25, 2021

More on negroes, mex, and Loud Music

[“negroes, mex, and Loud Music...Cultural Expression, or Statement of Racial Conquest to Whitey?”]

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 11:57:00 A.M. EDT

Continued: negroes, mex, and Loud Music...

What is it about negroes that they believe it’s OK to expose kids to that garbage? Why are Whites so cowardly they say nothing? I looked at the faces of the few White people in the parks and they kept their faces down and emotionless, I know many of them felt offended but knew they would say nothing, and if you said anything yourself, some of them would jump on the side of the negroes, because they saw a chance to virtue-signal to the world about what “non-racists” they were. And among them there are always White liberals who would call the presence of mostly non-Whites “cultural vitality” and their music playing “expressing themselves,” then accuse other Whites who question it “racist.”

Why are there no rules set up about the playing of loud music in parks? I recall there used to be signs that said no loud music but they have disappeared. Are there statutes on the city books somewhere? I should check it out, but it doesn’t really matter. It only matters if it’s enforced, and in today’s climate I can’t imagine any park employee saying boo to any blacks, no matter how much they might disobey park rules. If there is a conflict over loud music that elevates to violence, the negroes will say they are being discriminated against by racist whites, and the local media will automatically jump on their side.

This reminds me of what is happening on mass transit: 95% of the time somebody is playing loud music, it’s a negro. The buses used to have signs clearly prohibiting the playing of loud music, now the first rules on the top of the list are “Tri met policy is that discrimination toward anyone based on race, culture, nationality, migrant status or orientation is strictly prohibited,” then it lists other prohibited behaviors like smoking, eating, drinking etc... but now omits “loud music.”

I get the message: Whitey had better be real careful about challenging any negro who is playing his rap music, because it’s really not against the rules, so he’s likely to be accused of being a racist.

I believe the rule change is designed to protect negroes, and Tri Met itself from being accused of some sort of implicit bias. So now it’s OK for negroes to play their music (and they do) on the bus, and Tri Met is respecting “ethnic cultural expression.”

By the way, I made another trip to that new park just yesterday. Again, the demographics were the same, mostly negroes and Mex, with the negroes again taking over the central area and blasting their rap music, but this time they had erected a display featuring pictures of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, et al. As I walked by, the one word I could clearly make out over the blasting rap music and general din was “nigger,” loudly and prolifically being used by adults and children.

I won’t be taking my grandchildren to any of those parks. And when my parents pass, the family home will be sold. Even my brother and sister, Trump-hating liberals that they are, quietly agreed when I pointed out the changing demographics of the neighborhood, and how it would be best to sell the house while it still has maximum value.


  1. I related my story under your original post.They're definitely giving Whitey the finger with the music being blasted at decibels nearing airplane engine levels--and dare you to tell them anything(which in their minds,is grounds for beating you senseless).

    More of the flouting of White man's law--which was good enough when Whites were 90-95% of the country.Now,there are estimated to be 80 million Mex and nigaboos,that reject the laws and common,decent etiquette that White's espouse.

    The demographics are against us.

  2. "I can’t imagine any park employee saying boo to any blacks, no matter how much they might disobey park rules. "

    Unless they are not worried about having their life ruined. Head kicked to pulp and stomped to death.
