Thursday, April 22, 2021

Loudon County, VA: Parents Challenge Critical Race Theory in Schools

By "W"
Thu, Apr 22, 2021 5:16 p.m.

Loudon County, VA: Parents Challenge Critical Race Theory in Schools

N.S.: What's the difference between multiculturalism and critical race theory? I don't see any.



  1. The difference is,in multiculturalism,blacks and Mex sh*t on Whites.In critical race theory,since White liberals thought it up,Whites sh*t on Whites.


  2. Okay,I did a little research and yes--a black supposedly began all this crappola of CRT,but the White liberals have embraced CRT and run with it,like a rabbit with 8 legs.
    Without Whites hopping on board--it would have no legs,to speak of,imho.
