Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Interview with Wife of Illegal Alien Red Chinese Stomped Almost to Death by Raceless Attacker

By R.C.
Mon, Apr 26, 2021 9:36 a.m.

Chen, 57, said her husband was a talented pastry chef in China — where their two children still live — and came to the US two years ago for a better life.

R.C.: So, Chinese national here illegally.

Collecting cans, too.

A job that American homeless can and will do.

This country is a joke.

P.S.: "Seeking a better life" is code for illegal alien.


  1. Seek a better life in your own country.How many Chinese are there in China?If a tenth of them got together to attack and overthrow the governnment,they could do things differently--maybe even improve things over there.Same in Syria and even the United States.If 30 million people stormed Washington ,it would be a new government in a day.Back to the point.The illegals come here to exacerbate the draining of our country financially.It's almost a ponzi scheme going on--the last ones in,lose everything.Same with illegals,but in that situation,the entire country loses.


  2. jerry pdx
    The indoctrination of our children into "Woke" ideology is being ramped up: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/education-secretary-miguel-cardona-worried-about-getting-teachers-behind-woke-curriculum
    The damage being done by the MSM and social media is bad enough but they want to start the brainwashing even earlier. What's next..."Educational" videos with messages teaching babies that white is evil and black is virtuous in delivery rooms? Don't laugh, I'm willing to bet it's going to be proposed at some point.

  3. jerry pdx
    I think GRA referenced the "Da Butt" performance by Glen Close, I didn't watch the Oscars but got lured in by a Fox headline. For those that think they have the constitution to stomach it...Here you go: https://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/glenn-close-reveals-da-butt-dance-spontaneous-despite-scripted-moment
    This is the Oscars and cringe worthy moments in the era of Wokeness has become pretty much standard but this white minstrel routine just might deserve the Oscar for most cringe worthy in history. Warning: This is a 73 yr. old woman twerking in your face, you won't be able to unsee it.

  4. Close was "da Butt " of the black joke on Whitey.

