Friday, April 23, 2021

“If you care about racism, you are white. Nobody else does”; On the Real Logic of Race Relations

[Re: “For Over 60 Years, the Civil Rights Movement’s Goal Has been to Enslave Whites.”]

By Anonymous
Friday, February 8, 2013 at 11:24:00 A.M. EST

bla bla bla

This essay was horrid, and it is an exemplar of precisely what is wrong with non-NAMs.

You haven’t figured it out yet: Logic and facts and reason are not what this is about. It’s about conquest; tribal stuff.

Just replace the word “white” with “racist” EVERY TIME you use it, and you will begin to understand what I mean. There is no arguing with this. You will not beat it with reason. All of your idiotic assumptions about universal truth and the Greco-Roman system of logic and point/counterpoint are irrelevant.

Surely, Stix must understand this, so why give voice to people who are again going to bloviate about how important bigotry is and how awful it must be that there are still bigots. Why cannot these people understand that this “universal truth” of hatred of tribe-centrism is NEITHER universal NOR true?

If you care about racism, you are white. Nobody else does. They embrace it. And while they have ethnic conflicts where they march out and slaughter people from rival tribes en masse, you think that you can appeal to their sense of Christian ethics or something? There is no common ground. Values systems are not universal anymore than time-orientation is. The fundamental, qualitative difference between species of man exists and this truth does not require that we consent to it or like it.

Women are more likely to be raped in africa than graduate high school. As core values are expressed via action, this indicates on its face that the population there values rape more than education. It PREFERS one to the other as evinced by what it DOES.

Racist-americans have utterly lost sight of what was patently obvious to their forefathers and which used to be stated matter-of-factly. We have invented an entire mental edifice as a contrivance to try to find some way that the truth can’t be true. Maybe it’s a moral failing, or maybe it is stupidity; either way it is suicidal.  


1 comment:

  1. Yes--and the race to genocide/genocidal suicide has rapidly gone closer to the finish line.

