Thursday, April 29, 2021

"I Recorded Them Murdering Patients": COVID Nurse Goes Public with Shocker

By R.C.
Thu, Apr 29, 2021 6:49 p.m.

"I Recorded Them Murdering Patients": COVID Nurse Goes Public with Shocker

R.C.: I said months ago that hospitals were being incentivized to put COVID patients on ventilators.

And now I have objective proof.

Olzewski said patients who repeatedly tested negative for the virus were being labeled as "COVID confirmed" in their medical charts, and that triggered a higher level of compensation from the government.

She told LifeSiteNews those "perverse incentives" from the Department of Health and Human Services provided $13,000 for each COVID patient, or $39,000 if they were put on a ventilator.

Dr. Simone Gold Blows The Lid Off The COVID Lie and Sounds The Alarm About the Vaccines!

R.C.: Follow the money.

Hospitals get incentivized to put patients on ventilators.

And Medicare pays additional $$$$ when a hospital patient is “diagnosed” with COVID.

Biggest mania and screw job in world history.

Bigger than tulipmania.

Such is the power of the Internet, social media, and billionaire profiteers like Bill Gates.

A billionaire like Bill Gates knows where every dime of his funds go. Otherwise he wouldn’t have billions.

He knows all about the funding of his “institute.”,14749



  1. What happened to the flu?


  2. Probably triage. Those that are too far gone not even treated.
