Tuesday, April 27, 2021

FBI (?!) Arrests Man for Allegedly Slitting His Dog's Throat, and Posting Video of the Dying Puppy on Snapchat

By R.C.
Tue, Apr 27, 2021 11:45 a.m.

FBI Arrests Man for Allegedly Slitting His Dog's Throat, Posting Video of the Dying Puppy on Snapchat

FBI agents arrested a Riverside man on Monday accused of slitting the throat of his young dog and posting a video of the dying puppy on Snapchat.

I wondered what the Bureau was doing with its billions of taxpayer dollars, when it wasn't engagaing in seditious conspiracies against President Trump.




  1. He was practicing on the dog--the girlfriend was probably next.


  2. I have no problem with the FBI arresting this creep. Most serial murderers start with animals and work there way up to people. Any guy who would do this to a puppy cannot be trusted. He belongs in the Big House where he can practice his shiv techniques on Bubba--if he dares.

  3. Posting the video is crossing interstate lines I suppose.
