Monday, April 26, 2021

Did 60 Minutes Toss Softball Questions at Keith Ellison, the black supremacist Criminal General of Minnesota, and Member of the Murder Cult, the nation of islam, Regarding George Floyd?

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 10:57:00 P.M. EDT

And why did I just watch 60 Minutes?

They did a feature on the Chauvin case where one of the 60 Minutes talking sock puppets interviewed a racist black man who was somehow involved, I’m not sure who he was, because I missed the beginning but I didn’t miss the softball questions from the White interviewer and predictable disingenuous responses.

The only question of any consequence he asked was if George Floyd bore any responsibility for what happened. The black interviewee immediately began to pontificate about the “history of police” violence, letting the interviewer know that if he went any farther with those questions it would turn into “300 years of oppression.”

Pointless, idiotic interview, but typical of 60 Minutes nowadays. It’s nothing but a globalist propaganda outlet that gives viewers a false impression of feeling intellectual just for watching it. No, if anything, your IQ is lower for it.

By Grand Rapids Anonymous
Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 11:52:00 P.M. EDT

I believe that was Keith Ellison, and I heard it, too.

“None of it was Floyd’s fault,” he said.



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