Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Breaking News Alert: "Why Won't You F--k me?": Former Scott Stringer Intern Details Sexual Harassment Claims

-----Original Message-----
From: New York Post <>
Sent: Wed, Apr 28, 2021 12:48 p.m.

Breaking: 'Why Won't You F--k me?': Former Scott Stringer Intern Details Sexual Harassment Claims

Breaking: 'Why won't you f--k me?': Former Scott Stringer intern details sexual harassment claims
Jean Kim claimed that Scott Stringer preyed upon her in 2001 while she was working as an unpaid...
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APR 28, 2021


1 comment:

  1. Why wouldn't she?Because in 20 years,she figured that no one would know who Scott Stringer was--so she didn't allow it.I never heard of him,that's for sure.

