Tuesday, April 27, 2021

black Suspect in Anti-Asian Attack, with a Rap Sheet a Mile Long, Claims Victim Robbed, Maced Him

By David in TN
Tue, Apr 27, 2021 11:48 p.m.

New York Post: Suspect in Anti-Asian Attack Claims Victim Robbed, Maced Him

David in TN: The attacker claimed the victim and two other Asians "...maced and robbed me. It was self-defense." Typical story. In fact, the one he would have used if the victim was White.




  1. The blackie is an April Fool--all year round.

  2. jerry pdx
    New neighbors just moved in up the street, no surprise when I saw it was African migrants, Ethiopian I think, though I really wouldn't know the difference if they were Somali, Eritrean or whatever. They had two very nice cars and the house they were moving into was one of the nicest on the block. Mother decked out in traditional Muslim outfit, the father dressed like an American. Family was 5 or 6 boys and 1 girl who looked about 3 or so. The boys looked to vary between 5 and 10, again very similar to the other Ethiopians on the block.
    I have to wonder where they got the money for this house, it was around a 500,000 dollar home, similar in value to the other African migrant family on the block. How much of our tax money is being spent on their "resettlement"? Did they get help from Soros or Zuckerberg/Gates alien invader assistance programs?
    I also wonder why these families are mostly boys and so few girls, seems like most of these African/Muslim migrant families have a preponderance of male children. These are recent migrants from Africa, I could hear them jabbering in Swahili, or whatever it is they speak there, and I suspect they do have girls but they get left behind with grandparents or other family to be safely married off while still underage to older men, in accordance to custom. Also to make sure they get their clitoris's removed, also in accordance to custom. If they bring their daughters to America, those things are illegal and might not get done.
    In 4 or 5 yrs. the neighborhood is going to be infested with teenage negro males, with others coming up behind them. I'm thinking it would be best just to get my parents out of this neighborhood.


    P(ZH)A New York woman was arrested early Tuesday morning after striking and killing a veteran police officer in a New York City hit-and-run, according to the Daily Mail.

    In a nearly two-hour Facebook Live stream following the trial of ex-cop Derek Chauvin, 32-year-old Jessica Beauvais could be seen taking shots of vodka and saying "fuck the police" just hours before plowing into 43-year-old NYPD Highway Officer Anastasios Tsakos, 43, on the Long Island Expressway around 2am Tuesday morning while driving her Volkswagen on a suspended license.

    Beauvais posted a 1 hour and 51 minute livestream on her Facebook page Monday evening. At one point, she washes down the contents of a red shot glass (above)

    Tsakos was redirecting traffic from a fatal car Queens accident at the time when Beauvais allegedly aimed for Taskos and struck him head on - killing the married father of a three-year-old son and six-year-old daughter. The 14-year veteran of the NYPD was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.

    "We stand here this morning reminded once again, in law enforcement, there is no such thing as a routine job," said NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea, adding "We stand here devastated and trying to pick up the pieces of what is a shattered home and a shattered NYPD family."

    GRA:Any riots planned by Whites?There should be.


  4. black lotto,Jerry?Maybe they're relatives of the Floyd or Wright famblee.With the 27 million Floyd Inc. received,that can help a lot of nigeros move to where its woke.You'll know it's time for your folks to move Jerry,when they see cop flashers up and down the street a couple times a night.Sirens stopping a block away.

  5. "He robbed and maced me." NO! You are supposed to say he called me nigger.
