Thursday, April 22, 2021

black-on-White Murder Cases Currently on a News Blackout (Whiteout?) to Keep an Eye on

[Re: “The Tessa Majors Hate Crime Murder: 'Teen congoid Admitted He Murdered White Barnard Coed to Jailed Father.”

By David in TN
Thursday, April 22, 2021 at 12:19:00 A.M. EDT

David in TN: The cases to keep an eye on are:

Tessa Majors, New York City
Wendy Jerome, Rochester, New York
Tracie Hawlett-J.B. Beasley, 1999 Double Murder, Alabama
Caitlyn Kaufman Nashville, Tennessee
Cannon Hinnant, five-year-old murdered in South Carolina

All of these are currently under a news blackout. You have to check the internet every day or two, to see if there is any news.  


  1. At the moment, the MSM, politicians, etc are declaiming how knife wielders are nothing to be concerned about.

    Tessa Majors was murdered by a knife. She was unarmed by the way.

    GRA:Nice to see OTHERS calling out NNN,besides me.
    NBC News - which was forced to apologize in 2012 for deceptively editing the 911 phone call of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case to make him sound racist - has done it again.

    Following the fatal officer-involved shooting of 16-year-old black girl, Ma'Khia Bryant - who was about to stab another black girl in Columbus, Ohio - tensions flared high as a flood of leftist journalists and 'blue-checks' on Twitter falsely reported that Bryant was unarmed.

    Less than a day later, bodycam footage revealed that Bryant was clearly wielding a knife - and about to stab the other black teen when she was shot.

    NBC News, however, continued peddling the 'unarmed' lie with a deceptive edit of the 911 call to remove a reference to the attempted stabbing, as well as the video - which NBC stops right before it's apparent the teen is holding a knife.

    GRA:Is it too much to ask a national news network to just tell the truth?Why are they allowed to do it CONSTANTLY--without the FCC stepping in?

  3. On June 15, 2020 the 13-year old defendant pleaded guilty to his role in the murder of Tessa Majors and was sentenced "6 to 18 months" detention.

    This (https://www.nbcnewyork,com/news/local/crime-and-courts/read-the-powerful-letter-tessa-majors-family-wrote-after-teen-sentenced-in-her-death/2465600/) is the report from the New York NBC affiliate titled: "Read the Powerful Letter Tessa Majors' Family Wrote After Teen Sentenced In Her Death."

    The victim impact statement from Tessa Majors parents Inman and Christy Majors "blasted all sides of the trial, ranging from the defense, the prosecution, to the defendant himself."

    "The family said that the teen 'has shown a complete lack of remorse or contrition' for his role in the killing."

    "'By his own admission, the respondent picked up a knife that had fallen to the ground and handed it to the individual who then used it to stab Tess Majors to death,' the statement read." 'The family can't help but wonder what would have happened if that knife had been left on the ground.'"

    "The grieving parents also noted the plea deal's studious avoidance of the word murder."

    "They note as well the language used by the Legal Aid Society in their press release regarding the plea deal, which states that 'Tess Majors death was tragic.' Reading this description of events, some might wonder if perhaps Tess Majors was involved in an accident,' the parents statement said. 'Tess Majors did not die in an accident. Tess Majors was murdered, plain and simple, and no amount of semantic gymnastics changes that fact.'"

    "They also voiced anger over the prosecutions statement that said 'this plea deal resolution is in the best interests of the community.' The Majors family wonders how many in the community--any community, including the many Tess was a part of and the ones that her family members continue to be a part of--would agree with this assessment.'"

    The other two defendants are 14-year old Rashaun Weaver and 14-year old Luciano Lewis. The prosecution believes Weaver was the one who stabbed the victim and Lewis prevented her from escaping as she called out for help.

    Weaver and Lewis are being charged as adults for felony murder and robbery. Since the 13-year old was a juvenile, his name has not been released. No date has been given as to when a trial will take place.

    The full text of the victim impact statement is in the NBC New York story linked above.

  4. Still another one to keep an eye on. Linda Stoltzfoos, an 18-year old Amish girl was kidnapped, then raped and murdered in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Her body was found buried near the suspect's workplace after being missing for 10 months.

    The suspects DNA was found on the victim's sock.

  5. Keith Heacook, the police officer from Delmar, Maryland "stomped" to death. The killer was assaulting an elderly White couple when Heacook was called to the scene.

  6. I just checked. No news/update on any of the black on White murders mentioned above. There have been several others since. The only way to keep up is to do a Google search every few days in case there is news.

  7. The blackout was briefly lifted on two of these cases. There was a guilty plea for the Tessa Majors murder. A trial date for the third suspect was not announced.

    A trial date for Coley McCraney in the double murder of Tracie Hawlett and J.B. Beasley was announced. It's currently scheduled for seven months from now, May 2, 2022.

  8. The prosecution has announced they will seek the death penalty for the suspect, Darrell Sessoms, in the murder of five-year old Cannon Hinnnant.

    The trial of Colin McCraney for the 1999 murders of Tracie Hawlett and J.B. Easley is now set for May. The defense is demanding hearsay testimony be admitted.

    No news regarding the Wendy Jerome cold case murder or the Caitlyn Kaufman murder.

    The Tessa Majors case is closed.
