Monday, April 26, 2021

A black Riot—in an Airport? (Video)

By Jerry PDX
Sunday, April 25, 2021 at 11:31:00 P.M. EDT

Airport fight...the usual suspects. Fight went on for minutes, with no sign of airport security. I wonder if they held back, due to the race of the combatants. Note the White beta soy boy in the background helplessly shouting: “Stop, just stop, you’re killing her”:

Did he really think his pleading was going to have the slightest effect on them?

Check out the comments, some of the funniest stuff I’ve read.  




  1. The comments are impressive.Too bad all Whites don't think that way,but it's possible we are seeing the start of an embryo of impatience from Whites toward blacks--and "the powers that be"--who condone and excuse this(and much worse)behavior.

    M a y b e.


  2. Hard to believe the lack of security and the response of security. I thought after 9/11 security at the airports was so tight nothing like this could happen. And for all the miscreants, arrest, jail time, life time no fly list Fighting over what? Something trivial.

    Beating a person on the ground and kicking in the head use of lethal force.
