Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Brodsky Suspends Workers Who Stood by as Asian Woman was Attacked

By A Friend
Tue, Mar 30, 2021 11:29 p.m.

Brodsky Suspends Workers Who Stood by as Asian Woman was Attacked



  1. "Our union is working to get further details for a more complete account,"

    More details? A more complete account. What more do you need to know??

  2. The same black "union" that was on the train watching that Asian guy get pounded and choked.The same pro-black "union" that sticks together and never squeals on a crime--unless they see a White guy commit it.The "union" that screams racism when blacks get a taste of the crime they dish out to every other race at a huge multiple,but look the other way when they see a black attack a White or Asian.


