Monday, March 29, 2021

After Racist Producers, black Co-Host Sheryl Underwood Defamed Sharon Osbourne and Ran Her Off Show, Show Must Now Pay Up to $10 Million in Reparations

-----Original Message-----
From: New York Post <>
Mon, Mar 29, 2021 3:00 p.m.

Exclusive: Sharon Osbourne Exits "The Talk" with Payout of Up to $10 Million

Exclusive: Sharon Osbourne exits 'The Talk' with payout of up to $10 million
Sharon Osbourne got a payday of up to $10 million from CBS as she exited "The Talk" amid...
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MAR 29, 2021



  1. Good for her,but the money doesn't change the fact that she was dismissed for zero reason--talking and giving her opinion--which is her job!

    The problem is, she was White while she did it--a mortal sin these days.


  2. Not such a bad payout when you think about it. Wonder if that is just contract or will that be a legal settlement with damages.
