Monday, February 22, 2021

Who is “Philip Cross,” the Notorious Wikipedia Editor, Who Has Made so Many People’s Lives a Misery over the Past Fifteen Years, Due to His Relentless Malicious Editing of Their Pages and Pages on Which They are Cited?

By Nicholas Stix



  1. Interesting article. His dad says Philip Cross has Asberger's Disease, but that his son doesn't mean any harm!

  2. jerry pdx
    Philip Cross seems to be a conservative, not a liberal and in fact, is attacking anti war activists and critics of Western foreign policy. Some might use his example to deny that there is a bias toward conservative thought on Wiki but even with his 100's of thousands of edits over 15 years or so, it's a miniscule blip in the vast radar of Wikipedia's billions of entries. Far more influential are the people actually running Wiki and the millions upon millions of liberal zealots who makes edits every year and erase truth wherever they find it. I also wonder how much Wiki is being controlled by globalist covert agencies who could be manipulating behind the scenes and can't be tracked down like Mr. Cross was.

  3. jerry pdx
    Anybody care to listen to Barrack and Springsteen kiss each others ass for an hour or so?
    I sure don't.
