Thursday, February 11, 2021

"We’ve Had the Reichstag Fire – What’s Next?"; Plus Another Brief Item

By An Old Friend
Wed, Feb 10, 2021 10:47 p.m.

"We've Had the Reichstag Fire – What's Next?" [brief]; Plus Another Brief Item

I've recently discovered a blogger who uses the pseudonym "Neo."  Her writing is powerful.  Before checking out the brief piece pasted below, you might be interested in her bio:

Previously a lifelong Democrat, born in New York and living in New England, surrounded by liberals on all sides, I found myself slowly but surely leaving the fold and becoming that dread thing: conservative. My friends and family didn't want to hear about my inexplicable conversion, so I started this blog to tell the tale of my political change and provide a forum for others. I have a Master's degree in Marriage and Family Therapy (not practicing), but my politics make me a pariah there, too. Little did I know that I moved in such politically homogeneous circles.

We've had the Reichstag fire – what's next?

Now that Washington DC is an armed camp after the January 6 Reichstag fire, and the Senate is busy trying the previous president and pretending they have the authority to do so, what's next?
Let's see. Let's not forget that we currently also have the purge of the armed forces to root out those defined as extremists on the right. It's not the same as a personal loyalty oath to the leader that was required of the German military under Hitler, but it's a way to make sure our military is composed of people unlikely to turn on the left no matter what.
The Enabling Act was the method by which the Reischstag effectively dissolved itself and placed all power in the executive. Even though by then the Nazis pretty much controlled the legislative body and the various other parties that still remained, the Reichstag's mere existence was apparently felt to be enough of a threat and/or impediment to speedy efficiency that it was better to be rid of it except for ceremonial purposes.
But in the US there's no need to go that far. Instead we have the mechanism of the executive order, which Biden (or whoever is in charge in his administration) can employ to expedite the implementation of orders that once would have been effected only through legislation. But since our Congress is presently so evenly split that unless nearly all the Democrats hang firm and also eliminate the filibuster (which might happen), very little far-left legislation will be passed and the EO is the way to go instead.
Which brings us to the last hope of stopping this – the judiciary. It's a faint hope to be sure, but it seems to be the only mechanism by which at least some of the EOs could be invalidated (except, I suppose, by state-by-state defiance). Of course, that's where court-packing comes in, but that also requires the end of the filibuster.
Are these comparisons hyperbole on my part? Perhaps; perhaps not. The left in this country are not Nazis, although they'd have people think that people on the right are exactly that. But the left in this country are totalitarians and/or totalitarian wannabees.
These developments are just another reminder that, brilliant as the Constitution is and brilliant as the men who devised it were, a constitution cannot rein in a people who have lost their virtue and who support a party that believes the ends justify the means. And the Founders knew that they could not protect us indefinitely from that.

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  1. How many Whites in this country have not lost their minds about race and preserving their own White ethnicity?Break it down by age groups if you prefer--go ahead--give it a guess:

    65 and up:I'll say over half are pro-White--if they can remember who they are.There many seniors profiled on TV(it's propaganda--I know)who speak in support of blm.

    50 to 64:Probably the category that remembers the way it was--I'll say 60% are pro-White.

    35 to 49:Possibly 40%--at best--view White survival as important.
    Under 34:Clueless and over 75% are pro-black and pro-White genocide.

    I just shake my head,but the constant television propaganda has intensified the anti-White themes since Biden was sworn in to kill America.

    If you watched any part of the impeachment,many of those trying to get Trump are blackies.It'a symbolic and not accidental--the Dems AND media are trying to convict Trump of being White.They're mixing in racism,insurrection,tax evasion and anything else they have hypothesized about the last 4 years--but it's all about getting a Whitey who believes in America as it used to be.

    That's my humble opinion.


  2. One feature of the liberal is that their attitude is the all conservatives are evil!! Hard to get over that mentality.
