Sunday, February 21, 2021

They Didn't Give Her the Talk: Fort Collins, CO: Lovely White Female Murdered by Dusky Ex-Boyfriend

Murder victim, Danielle Hopton

By "W"
Sun, Feb 21, 2021 6:29 p.m.

Fort Collins, CO: Lovely White Female Murdered by Dusky Ex-Boyfriend

"W": Really sickening. Her parents obviously didn't warn her.









Mug shot of murder suspect, Stephen McNeil



  1. Holy sh*t,Batman--she was gorgeous.WHY did she start anything up with that POS?Of course he's going to kill her--if she tried to end it--she was a beauty.blackies don't let that kind of quality get away alive.


  2. That was my exact instant reaction. She was gorgeous. How in right mind would she ever have anything to do with a CREATURE such as that is beyond me.

    This is all the time too. Young whitey women mixed up with colored and end up day-ed.
