Friday, February 26, 2021

The Media Lie of the Century: Dan Bongino: My Secret Service Sources are Telling Me Joe Biden “Is in Real Significant Trouble” (VIDEO)

By R.C.
Fri, Feb 26, 2021 9:13 p.m.

The Media Lie of the Century: Dan Bongino: My Secret Service Sources are Telling Me Joe Biden “Is in Real Significant Trouble” (VIDEO)

R.C.: Every elected official is in cognitive decline.



  1. Yet the Dems chose Biden.Why didn't they do it the easy way and get Mobama or Oprah to run?I find it unbelievable that they would refuse a sure thing trip to the White House.


  2. Anyone who was paying attention KNEW Biden had mental problems BEFORE the election. But the lazy and foolish folks who get all their news from the Mainstream Marxist Media voted blindly. The scary thing isn't his incapacity as much as the threat that when Sniffin' Joe is ousted, he will be replaced by the Marxist Ho.
