Friday, February 19, 2021

Not a Surprise - The Big Green Deal is a Scam, and How It Brought about This Week's Lethal Disaster in Texas

By A Texas Reader
Thu, Feb 18, 2021 9:24 p.m.

Not a Surprise - The Big Green Deal is a Scam

ATR: Let’s start with the electricity debacle in Texas. You cannot blame this on Democrats. This floating turd was created with enthusiastic Republican help. Governors Rick Perry and Greg Abbot–eager to pander to the climate change crowd–presided over the closure of gas and coal-fired power plants in Texas and replacing the so-called dirty energy sources with clean, wind turbines that were supposed to usher in a utopia of green, pristine power.

N.S.: We need every kind of power: oil, gas, coal, nukes and, as an afterthought, the green crap.


1 comment:

  1. Enormous quantities of lignite coal in Texas. Mine the coal and built a multitude of coal fired plants. Damn the so called man made global warming.
