Thursday, February 18, 2021

Football Coach Fired for Criticizing black Nazis

-----Original Message-----
From: Jennifer Kabbany <>
Sent: Thu, Feb 18, 2021 11:28 a.m.

Coach Fired for Criticizing blm

LAWSUIT: Football coach says objections to Black Lives Matter curriculum led to firing
Materials for students described police officers as 'risks' to black people

Columbia professors want Biden to appoint a 'Secretary of Racial Justice'
'This position would be responsible for coordinating actions across the administration to correct the impact of racial disparities'

Harvard cancels course on innovative policing tactics after activists complain
The class, 'Data Fusion in Complex Systems,' was to be led by a bioengineering professor who is colonel in Army Reserve

Valparaiso shuts down Facebook comments amid backlash for ditching Crusaders mascot
Also refuses to release the results of a survey on how many supported the name change

University of Virginia tells feds its 'Women's Leadership Program' doesn't exclude men
University told investigators the program has 'never rejected' a male applicant because he's male

Also on The College Fix today -- some good news!

Successful vocational apprenticeship program proves traditional college not the only path to success
Some grads earn nearly $100,000 a year annually five years upon completion

'We demand not to be coddled.' UChicago students' new publication fights cancel culture, supports free speech
Their tagline is 'outthink the mob'



  1. Famous saying by someone:
    "If you call someone a black Nazi,
    Make sure it isn't known by the paparazzi."


  2. Police are a risk to the negro. The cop stops the negro from committing a crime.


    (ESPN)Michelle Wie West had strong words for Rudy Giuliani via Twitter after the former New York City mayor and attorney for former President Donald Trump discussed having joked with radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh several years ago about being able to see the golfer's underwear when she putted during a golf outing.

    Appearing on Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast Thursday and reminiscing about Limbaugh, who died that day, Giuliani asked if he could tell a story, which involved a round of golf with Limbaugh and Wie West.

    Giuliani said that Limbaugh complained about all the "paparazzi" trailing the group, then blamed Giuliani for their presence. Giuliani, chuckling, said the cameramen were there to photograph Wie West and not them.

    "On the green is Michele Wie, and she is getting ready to putt," Giuliani said, in part. "Now Michelle Wie is gorgeous. She's 6 feet. And she has a strange putting stance. She bends all the way over. And her panties show. And the press was going crazy. ... I said '[Rush], it's not me, it's not you.'"

    Giuliani concluded his story by asking, "Is it OK to tell that joke?"

    Wie West took to Twitter on Friday night, not noting Giuliani by name.

    "What this person should have remembered from that day was the fact that I shot 64 and beat every male golfer in the field leading our team to victory," she wrote. "I shudder thinking he was smiling to my face and complimenting my game while objectifying me and referencing my 'panties' behind my back all day."

    Wie West went on to express frustration over elite-level pro golfers being discussed in terms of their appearance instead of their game. The outing apparently took place in 2014, the same year Wie West won the U.S. Women's Open at Pinehurst using a putting stance meant to improve her stats.

    "NOT as an invitation to look up my skirt," Wie West wrote on Twitter on Friday.
    (GRA:Guys will be guys,but Giuliani--a well known horndog--is the problem with Wie.Over 70 and a conservative.If it was Denzel Washington,she would have let Washington REMOVE her panties.)

    When Giuliani ended the story by asking if it was OK to "tell that joke," Bannon awkwardly replied, "We already told it, so I don't know."

    Wie West, 31, has won five times on the LPGA Tour but has been plagued by injuries in recent years. She has done some television commentary and is currently on hiatus from the game after the birth of her daughter in June.

    The United States Golf Association replied to Wie West with a supportive post on Twitter on Saturday.

    "Sexism has no place in golf or in life," the USGA post said. "We are always in your corner."

    GRA:WHITE men should be eunuchs and/ or cuckolds--in this SJW era,I guarantee you black and Mex are allowed to drool all they want with no repercussions.They wouldn't listen anyways.
