Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Fake President Joe Biden's Campaign to Racially "Cleanse" the American Military, and What It Will Mean

By "W"
Tue, Feb 23, 2021 2:03 p.m.

Biden's Campaign to "Cleanse" US Military


"W": I've read several books by the author of this piece:


N.S.: Over the years, I've heard patriots decry the notion that the Americna military would fire on White, American patriots. Well, they were wrong, and here's why.

Law enforcement and the military have for years been under the control of racial socialists. These genocidal totalitarians have long filled their ranks with kindred spirits, e.g., black supremacists, homosexuals, reconquistas, etc. For generations, they have increasingly been racially purging White patriots from their ranks, and promoting racist Whites who harm patriotic Whites. Just as anti-White cops have long harmed White crime victims, and aided and abetted racist blacks, this anti-White alliance will have no compunctions about slaughtering Whites. And the White Genocide Project in control will have no inhibitions about using troops for domestic policing.

Postscript: In 2005, during the black mayhem during and after Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans Police went knocking on doors and illegally disarming White residents under false pretences. Meanwhile, black thugs were running wild with stolen guns, robbing, raping, maiming and murdering people, black and White alike.



  1. Why did blacks in 2005---and blacks NOW--receive a free pass,while Whites are continually attacked by LE(plus media and politicians)?There can only be one reason:Whites have no rights anymore--for the simple fact that we haven't fought for them the last few decades the way we should have.

    Many Whites,including myself,assumed that the way we've always lived in our cities,would be guaranteed to remain the same during our entire lifetimes.Experience is showing us,unfortunately--that mistaken notion is not true.
    Some effort must be made to keep those who despise us from undermining what Whites had built.

    It will take a monumental effort from this point forward.

  2. On the other hand, after 20 years, Afghanistan is still not pacified. It may be more difficult to cow Americans than the leftists think as patriots can swim in the sea of the woke. Right now it is time for patriots to boldly show who they are because it is still possible that they can take back the country. But if it gets really bad, it may be time to take down American flags, buy a Subaru and put a rainbow sticker on it, cultivate a man-bun--then they won't know who patriots are until it is too late. And of course, get off Google apps, social media, and cell phones--worthless trash that they can use to track you.

  3. Black female police chiefs that fail on the job. Outlaw of Portland that moved to Philadelphia. Outlaw is her last name.

  4. Enlisted combat arms army quite often whitey? And the more elite the unit the more whitey the unit is.

  5. Wow, that's one thing I never heard about Hurricane Katrina. I wonder if the NOLA black police officers were working with a list of white registered gun owners. If they were, that's really sinister.

  6. They had the Sergeant's Rebellion in Liberia. Did not turn out so well for either Liberia or the ruling elite there.

  7. Don't fight for a country that hates you and is waging an ongoing extermination program against your people.
